Sick Day

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Draculaura normally was organized, she put her toys away, kept her markers and crayons in order by color. and kept a schedule with her baby sister, that mostly included cuddles. Draculaura even loved doing he dishes, and whenever she washed Clawdeen's baby bottles, she made sure to clean it carefully so Clawdeen wouldn't get sick. but she must have made some mistake while cleaning it because Clawdeen began vomiting after her first bottle. for the past 5 hours, she was vomiting and went through 12 diapers. right now Dracula was changing Clawdeen's 12 diaper while Draculaura was standing beside him with a guilty look on her face.

Draculaura: daddy? maybe we should leave her diaper off, before we run out of diapers

Dracula: what, and let her make waste all over the floor?

Draculaura: no, we can put her in the tub and set her on a towel and throw out the towel if she ruins it

Dracula look at his adopted daughter who had stopped crying, but was still gripping her stomach and looked like she was going to vomit any second.

Dracula: you're right my princess, that might be for the best

Dracula picked Clawdeen up, cupping her naked bottom with a towel just in case. he then set her in the bathtub. both vampires were tired, they have been up since 6pm, since that's when her symptoms started. she threw up which woke Draculaura who went to wake Dracula up, but when they came back, Clawdeen had threw up 2 more times and filled her diaper so much, she ruined her purple onesie. they then took her into the living room and when Dracula went to get some medicine, Draculaura tried to hold Clawdeen but they hybrid threw up all over her. Clawdeen ended up having a high fever. after all this, Draculaura blamed herself for all Clawdeen's pain. as she watched Clawdeen gagging in the tub she kept thinking

*maybe If I let my dad help me, or County to watch over me, then maybe... her bottle would have been fine, I must have made some kind of mistake that caused her to get this sick, It's all my fault*

Dracula walked in and sat on the floor next to his daughter

Dracula: want to help me give her another bath?

the vampire nodded but didn't speak. they had given the baby hybrid a bath about 1 hour ago after her fever went down a bit. the warm water helped to wipe away the sticky swat that gathered rudely around her diaper area and under her neck. the warm water had released all the tension in her muscles that led to a quiet, peaceful nap.

Draculaura: she should take another nap, It worked last time daddy

Dracula: and she will, but lets give her another bath, might help her feel better

the two vampires cleaned Clawdeen with soap and water and even played with her a bit. after they put a fresh diaper on and put on Draculaura's old pink onesie since Clawdeen ruined her purple one. they then put her in her crib after they finished cleaning it

Dracula: thanks for helping putrid princess, I know she was a handful

Draculaura: It's fine daddy, we didn't know what would happen, I'm just glad I could help

Dracula: alright honey, lets get some rest, If Clawdeen is still like this tomorrow we should take her to the doctor

Draculaura winced, as all children she hated the doctor and didn't want Clawdeen to go there, especially since she couldn't be in the same room as her. Dracula left the room saying he had to go get something, While Draculaura was holding Clawdeen close, letting some tears fall

Draculaura: I'm sorry Clawdeen... this is all my fault, I make sure your bottles are clean, and I'm the one who feeds you. I must have let it sit for to long, or didn't clean it right...

Draculaura began to stroke Clawdeen's head slowly and Clawdeen snuggled into her chest

Draculaura: I love you so much, I'm your big sister, I was supposed to protect you, but I hurt you, It's all my fault.. all my fault..

Draculaura saw some tears fall on Clawdeen's face, she had never meant for her to see her cry, to see her so weak. Clawdeen began making suckling noises, as if saying that she was hungry

Draculaura: you want me to feed you? h-how can you trust me? I'll just end up hurting you again

Dracula: Draculaura!

Draculaura jolted which caused Clawdeen to cry out and tug on Draculaura's shirt. Draculaura wiped her tears away

Draculaura: d-daddy?

Dracula kneeled down toward Draculaura

Dracula: princess this isn't your fault

Draculaura: Yes It Is! I Feed Her! I Clean Her Bottles! I'm Only 100 Years Old, You Trusted A 100 Year Old!

Dracula: I trusted my daughter and I'm proud, this was a mistake honey, besides I feed her also, It could have been my fault. or she could have just caught a fever, no one says It's because of her bottle

Draculaura: but she's in pain after she drank it

Dracula: I did some research on humans and saw that, infants catch these sicknesses easily, this is normal for her, she might be half werewolf, but she is still human

Clawdeen opened her eyes and kicked Draculaura's stomach, cause she was still hungry and wanted food

Dracula: she's hungry, that's a good thing, come on I'll help you feed her

Draculaura nodded and got up with Clawdeen still in her arms. she sat on the couch while Dracula made the formula. after it was done, he took Clawdeen from Draculaura and began feeding her, Clawdeen was sucking so fast the bottle was almost empty. Dracula took the bottle away for a few seconds so Clawdeen could swallow the liquid, then began drinking again, this time In a slow pace. after she was done, Dracula placed her over his shoulder and made her burp. Clawdeen yawned and tried to reach Draculaura

Dracula: looks like she wants her big sister

Draculaura took Clawdeen from her father, Clawdeen snuggled into her shoulder and cooed

Dracula: she loves you

Draculaura: babies don't know what love is..

Dracula: she might not know what love means, but she pops up whenever she hears your voice, always wants to hug you, wanted you when she got her fever and only stops crying if you hold her

Draculaura smiled

Draculaura: I love you too Clawdeen

she kissed the hybrid's head making her giggle

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