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Clawdeen: sissy, did I really have to brush

Draculaura: you know that's a silly question Clawdeen

Clawdeen: I don't think my breath smelled that bad

Draculaura: you never think your mouth smells bad until you talk to someone, just ask dad, I'll be staying in the room whenever he eats an onion. just go downstairs and watch T.V. I need to go see if you have everything you need for school tomorrow

Draculaura goes into the room and shuts the door

Clawdeen: Hmph!

she begins walking down the stairs

Clawdeen: why did she have to make me do it? my breath didn't even smell that ba- AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

she slips and tumbles down the stairs and slams her head on the wall hard. Draculaura heard a crash and yelled

Draculaura: Sis? Is Everything Alright Down There?

Clawdeen was so shocked, that she didn't even feel anything, but when she checks the damage and sees the blood, she begins crying

Draculaura: Clawdeen, what's going on do- *gasp* Clawdeen!

Draculaura turns to a bat and flies down toward Clawdeen, she turns back to a vampire and kneels down in front of Clawdeen

Draculaura: Clawdeen! What Happened?! Are You Okay?!

Clawdeen: It Really Hurts! *sob*

Draculaura: what hurts little one? let me see

she tries to touch her but the hybrid backs away in fear

Draculaura: hey don't worry Clawdeen, I won't hurt you, come on, let me see

Clawdeen removes her paws from her head and Draculaura gasps at her wound, it was big, not like a cut, but like if you get smacked really hard on the head with a wrench, she also saw blood on the wall, and blood still gushing out of the wound. she tried to touch it, but that ade the pain worse as Clawdeen yelped

Draculaura: sorry little sister

she then pulled Clawdeen into a warm embrace as the hybrid sobbed into her chest

Draculaura: shh, shh, It's okay. don't cry *strokes her head* It's all gonna be okay, your going to be okay, everything will be fine

Draculaura picks Clawdeen up with great, great difficulty and carries her to the couch and lays her down

Draculaura: take deep slow breaths, I promise your going to be okay

Clawdeen's breathing slowed down

Draulaura: that's good, calm down. now stay here, I'll get something for that injury

Draculaura ran to the closet and threw everything out of it looking for something

Draculaura: Where Is It?! Where Is It?!

she finally found a first aid kit and raced back to Clawdeen

Draculaura: alright, let's get you all patched up

Draculaura picked Clawdeen up again, sat down and placed Clawdeen on her lap

Draculaura: shh, shh, don't worry little one, It's alright, I won't let you get hurt, rest your head on my shoulder, it won't seem so bad then.

Clawdeen did that and saw Draculaura go through the first aid kit

Clawdeen: s-s-sissy?

Clawdeen nuzzled her sister, Draculaura chuckled

Draculaura: don't worry Clawdeen, It'll be done soon, lets make you better

Draculaura took a wet paper towel and wiped the blood of Clawdeen's head, Clawdeen yelped

Draculaura: you alright sis? feels weird? hurts?

Clawdeen: It hurts a little...

Draculaura: I know, I'll be done soon I promise

Draculaura then takes out some hydrogen peroxide and pours it on the paper towel

Clawdeen: what's that?

Draculaura: It's something that will help. now I want to warn you, this will sting

Clawdeen: What?!

Draculaura: Just For A Second! but I promise, It will help you

Clawdeen: p-promise?

Draculaura: of course. ready?

Clawdeen just whimpers

Draculaura: just hang on to me

Draculaura then wipes Clawdeen's injury, making her yelp louder and start whimpering in pain. Draculaura then takes out some bandages and wraps Clawdeen's head

Draculaura: all done Clawdeen. so how do you feel little one?

Clawdeen: a bit better...

Draculaura: don't worry, you'll get better in no time. trust me

she then picks Clawdeen up and sets her on the couch and kneels down

Draculaura: you know, you were pretty brave, most kids don't stay still with an injury like that. I'm proud of you

Clawdeen: really?

Draculaura: Of Course! here's a heart shaped lollipop for being so brave

Clawdeen takes it

Clawdeen: thanks sissy

Draculaura: of course. now how about I make us some Boba Smoothies?

Clawdeen: Yeah!

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