Morning Routine

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Draculaura woke up and yawned, she saw a note on her nightstand that read " hey honey, daddy needs to go to urgent business, please watch Clawdeen. Love Daddy". Draculaura smiled, not only because she was home alone, but also cause she could take care of her little sister. she got up and put on a black T-shirt with pink shorts. she then went over to Clawdeen's crib and smiled seeing Clawdeen slowly wake up and do a cute yawn. it had been a year since Clawdeen learned to walk and talk, since Draculaura was 200 now she could change Clawdeen's diaper on her own, feed her correctly, she could even go outside and watch her on her own. Draculaura picked up Clawdeen and sat her on her changing table

Draculaura: goodnight little sister, did you sleep okay?

Clawdeen: uh huh I swept good sissy

Draculaura nuzzled her and changed her diaper, after putting a fresh one on, she picked up Clawdeen again and took her to the kitchen. Draculaura was still too young to cook so Dracula already sat out their breakfast. Draculaura ate a bagel with scream cheese, and began feeding Clawdeen oatmeal

Draculaura: open wide Clawdeen, here comes the Vamp-jet

Clawdeen opened her mouth and ate the Oatmeal, after she ate it all, Draculaura wiped her mouth and gave her a bottle as a reward. Draculaura washed her hands and began clearing the table. Clawdeen burped and said

Clawdeen: exwuse me

Draculaura: good girl for using manners, now let's go play

she picked up Clawdeen again, but she started squirming around

Clawdeen: Down!

Draculaura sat her down and held Clawdeen's paw while she toddled toward the living room, Draculaura picked her up and sat her in the play-pin

Draculaura: go play, big sister has to do something.

Draculaura ran to her room and grabbed her phone and dialed a number

Draculaura: hello? Cleo? yeah It's Draculaura, are you still coming later with Deuce and Heath? yeah Clawdeen is here, I can't believe I waited this long to introduce her to you. okay be here in 45 minutes. okay, bye

Draculaura hung up and walked back to the living room and saw Clawdeen playing with blocks

Draculaura: that's a nice tower Clawdeen

Clawdeen: thank woo big sister

Draculaura looked at the clock on the wall that read 10: 47

Draculaura: okay the others will be here at 11: 32, Clawdeen do you want a bath?

Clawdeen nodded and Draculaura her up and carried her to the bathroom. when they got there Draculaura filled the tub with warm water and bubbles. Draculaura took off Clawdeen's diaper and put her in the tub. Clawdeen began playing with a rubber duck and a sail boat. after she was done cleaning her, she dried her and put her in a new diaper. the clock read 11: 02, just enough time for Clawdeen's nap.

Draculaura: want to sleep with your big sister?

Clawdeen: I wuv to sweep wit woo

Draculaura smiled and carried Clawdeen to her room and laid beside her. Draculaura kissed her forehead and placed a pacifier in her mouth

Draculaura: good-fright little sis

Clawdeen snuggled closer to her and both of them fell asleep

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