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Pansy's POV

The lazy arse hasn't got out of his bed for two days. He's so heartbroken. Poor baby. 

He needs to get over it. I have a project due tomorrow and I'm not letting that fucker ruin it. 

I storm up to his bedroom, swinging open the door. I ignore the half naked Blaise and rip the covers of off him. His eyebrows widen as he lets out a yelp. "Che Cazzo! I could've been naked." 

"Theo. Shut the fuck up. I know you're like depressed or something but I'm not failing fucking DADA because of your sorry arse."

"Come on Pans" Blaise says with a top on now. "Give the lad a break."

"Fuck yourself." I turn back to Theo. "Now either put on a hoodie or come to the library like that."

Theo lets out a groan and slips his green hoodie on, he shoots a glance to Blaise.  But I choose to ignore it. He follows me out to the library as we sit down at the table. 

Umbridge has decided to get us to make a little scale model of a dragon for some daft reason. Even though that's not going to help us at all. Theo rests his head on the table as his eyes come to a close. I can see the heavy eye bags under his eyes. But maybe he should've slept instead of grieving. It's not like Bree died? I'd understand slightly more if she died. Only slightly. I pull his hair as his head pokes up. hazel eyes watering and red.

"Do you not understand humans emotions or are you just a soulless bitch who doesn't care?" He snaps.

"Soulless bitch who doesn't care" I shrug smiling. "I'm not failing because of you Theodore. And not because of Bree Thorne."

He lets out a low groan when I mention her name. For fucks sake. I roll my eyes. 

"You do realise it's been two fucking days since - since- " he can't even explain what happened "Since it happend. Pans."

"Yeah" I say sarcastically "I realise it's very ... difficult for you. But I really can't be arsed to babysit you. So get over it."

"Are you like this because you're parents don't love you or because Draco doesn't?" He says picking at the pages in my DADA book.

I stand up. I'm not dealing with his crap. He can do it his own fucking self. I can't be bothered to deal with him for any longer. 

I walk off with my things not even bothering to look back, at him. 

Daphne catches me off guard as she points a finger to Theo right as I'm in my march. "What's wrong with him?" She asks confused.

Holy fuck she doesn't know. 

She hates not knowing things

"Him and Bree broke up."

"WHAT THE FUCK!" She screams way too loudly as she gets multiple stares at her. "How did I not know this? When did it happen?"

"Happened at the Hufflepuff party. It's because you were sleeping with Cormac."

"Oh yeah." She muses. "But still. Look at him. He's a wreck! I'm gonna fix this."

"Daph" I warn.

"Look how miserable the poor boy is"

 I turns back to him briefly, he looks utterly depressed. "Fine help him"

Bree's POV 

If you thought I was bad when I couldn't touch Theo. You haven't seen me when he said maybe we should break up.

My cheeks have hardly been dry for the past 48 hours. Which makes potions so much more unbearable. 

Snape decided - because he thinks we're ready that we should be looking at more intricate potions. That we should look at Amortentia .  He spoke to me earlier today to see if I was okay. He claims he saw me crying in the hallway. He would be right. I hate people seeing me cry. It's one of the worst things that people can see you do. I couldn't help it. I didn't tell him what happened. I couldn't bear it. 

Theodore Nott x Bree ThorneWhere stories live. Discover now