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Theo's POV

She's perfect. In every way. 

And this time I'm not letting her fucking go. 

Last night was one of the best fucking nights of my life. I think I gave her about five orgasms before we both fell asleep. Fucked her against the wall too, then we eventually moved down to her dorm and did it 3 more times, in three different ways. Blaise told me to wait and Merlin, was he right. Note for the future - Always listen to Blaise 

She's breathing gentle breaths on my chest as she sleeps. I've been awake for about five minutes and  I can't help watch her. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep. So content and happy. Last night was the first night I actually slept without potions in about a month. There's something about her. Something that I don't want to loose. 

She's dribbling on my chest as she still looks fucking hot. How can a woman look hot whilst dribbling. She has her arms wrapped around me tightly. I could hold her like this forever. I can feel her eyelashes flutter on my chest as her blue eyes look up to mine. 

"Morning" She smiles. 


 She nuzzles into my chest further. "How long have you been awake?" 

"Not long." 

"I'm sorry." She says. I find myself surprised. What is she sorry for? I wait for her to continue. "You're not a mistake. You've never been a mistake." Her blue eyes meet mine as she's completely serious. Ah. I remember her saying that. I know she was just mega pissed. I was being a fucking ass. 

"I really like you, Bree. Like so fucking much it scares me"

 She's pushed herself up so her eyes are level to mine so she can see me perfectly. "I really like you too, Nott." She smiles and I never want to make her stop. 

"And I'm sorry for not realising it fucking sooner and being a complete dick about it." 

"I forgive you."

I look into her eyes. God she's so beautiful. She's perfect. Everything about her.

She kisses me and pulls away quickly laughing. This has never happened before. She lays there laughing on top of me. And I'm so confused. She looks up at my face and laughs to my chest. 

"Why are you laughing?" I say as she giggles into my chest. 

She looks up slowly, trying to gain composure. "You're just not what i ever expected."

"And what did you expect?" I raise my eyebrows

She rolls of off me, and looks straight up at the ceiling. "I don't know. We just never used to get along. You know?" She looks back at me. "And now we're here."

"And that's funny?"

"It's funny that I used to try and sabotage your potions in first year." She says turning on her elbow, her hair falls down to one side. I turn to face her. 

"In all fairness. I used to make them more extravagant to annoy you." 

A larger grin forms on her face as she presses her lips to mine. "Up for round six Miss Thorne?"

Bree's POV

I'm so happy. I had to kiss him. 

I can't even believe it. That night. Oh my God was amazing. He's amazing. He told me he liked me. I told him I like him back. Lord he's so hot. I can't believe at this beginning of the year I found it annoying to look at him. Now I can't imagine my life without him. I'm so glad last night happened. I don't want to change any of it. I like me and him together and I really like him. It's fun. Not like Grass. Oh fuck. Grass. I need to break up with him today. 

Theodore Nott x Bree ThorneWhere stories live. Discover now