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(Eating less trigger?)

Bree's POV

Day 16

I'm being bullied. 

Not really. But my friends are forcing me to go to Hufflepuffs annual charity party but it feels like it. The whole party is just an excuse to get drunk. But there's an entry fee to get in, which is where the charity part comes in. 

Draco & Mari insisted I go. Draco threatened to throw all my divination notes out of the window, if I hadn't. I have one more test in like 5 days and then I can see Theo. I can't wait. I can hardly breathe every time I see him. 

Both, Draco and Mari are frantically running around me. They've both decided to get dressed here. To be honest I didn't even know they were friends. Maybe they aren't but apparently when it's to do with the mutual they compromise. It's me I'm the mutual. 

Mari told me to wear her red dress. It's off the shoulder but still tight to my body. The whole ball is almost informal formal. So it still look classy with a touch of slutty. I slip on my pumps. Mari is wearing a strapless dark blue dress that makes her skin glow. Draco decided to chuck on a nice blazer and a normal shirt. 

I barely put any makeup on. I mainly cover my eye bags with concealer.  Put some mascara on and lip gloss. I can't be arsed to do anything else. Mari drowns me in her perfume. As I look at myself in the mirror. Fuck. I haven't worn a dress this tight since before Umbridge's office. My body looks gaunt. I've lost weight I didn't want to loose. My legs look skinnier, my ass looks worse. My whole figure has decreased. I liked how I looked. Now I look like a skeleton. I may be overthinking but I can't help it. Draco notices me staring and his eyebrows furrow. He pulls his own blazer off of him and wraps it around me. I've never been conscious of my body before. But now I really, really am. I didn't think I was eating that much less than I usually was? Am I? It doesn't matter. What matters is seeing Nott. If that means eating slightly less, that's fine. 

"Come on Bree, Smile" Mari says cheeks rosie. "You love parties."

"I also love sleep but I'm awake aren't I?" I've been grouchy. More grouchy than usual. 

Draco wraps an arm around me. "It's one party. We only have to be there for an hour if you want?" He kisses my hair, forcing a smile on my face. 

"I'd be surprised if Nott is even there" Mari says, grabbing her bag. 

I wanted Nott to be there. But if he was there I wouldn't enjoy myself because I wouldn't be with him. And it's not like I could have fun with other people knowing he was only on the other side of the room. I couldn't. So it's better for me if he doesn't go, because then I could have the smallest chance of having fun. 

We walk down to the Hufflepuff common room and wow do they go big. Banners, streamers & balloons are everywhere filling the common room. The charity is something for underprivileged witches & wizards. We met Blaise on the way and he payed for all of us. 

I'm now dancing in the middle of the common room with the others. I feel so sweaty and gross. I really should've showered. Draco's blazer is so warm. I feel like I'm suffocating. But I'd rather be warm than take it off. "I'm going to grab myself a drink" I yell in his ear. 

"Alright, don't drink too much okay?" Draco says as I walk away from him. Hufflepuff have managed to get a surprising amount of drinks. I pour myself a shot of Firewhisky. It goes straight to my head. Quicker than usual. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder. "D'you mind pouring me one." Seamus says as I pour him his own, passing it to him. 

"What's your problem?" I ask knocking back another shot. 

Theodore Nott x Bree ThorneWhere stories live. Discover now