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Bree's POV

6 Days  

I haven't spoken to him, touched him, felt his lips on my skin in 6 days. All i can do is look at him from a distance, in the classrooms, in the great hall. Never getting too close to him. Just in the constant torture of longing for him. Longing to be with him, longing to wake up next to him, to have him by my side.

This is all her fault. Umbridge, before her we would've just gotten detentions. She's resulted to torture. Torturing Nott infront of me. That can't be legal. My letters to Mama won't send and dads been MIA for two months for his own safety. I have to take matters into my own hands. Work my way out to see him. 

When I was little my boggart was my father dying a slow painful death at the hands of Voldemort. I think it's changed since then. I think it's Nott. Being in that room, helpless. Laying there turning , rocking. I couldn't even help him.  The image recurs in my dreams, any spare moment I think about him in pain. I can't escape it. 

Draco has become Umbridge's personal slave. Along with Blaise. Doing her dirty work. It's disgusting. I can't believe he would do this. I couldn't believe he would drag me out of that room, ignoring my cries, ignoring my screams. Draco is determined, more determined than anyone I know. He wants validation and if that means helping Umbridge he'll do it. Even if that means dragging me away from the boy I love. He's apologised. Constantly. Every second he gets. He says, he hears my screams at night. As he should. I don't know when I'll forgive him for that. He's sent me flowers, hampers, visited me everyday too. 

I hardly leave my room. I can't bear it. I need to get my grades higher, so I can see him again. He'll do it easily but me, I need the time. To improve. So I've been working. Harder than ever. Every spare moment I can. Everybody has been chipping in to help me. I have to see him, properly. Get this fucking bracelet of my Godamn wrist. 

The worst part is the jealousy. Seeing other people talk to him, hug him, laugh at his jokes. I can't. I'm his fucking girlfriend and I can't do that. We can't even meet up with all our friends together, because he'd be there. 5 feet away. And I know we'd both end up crying. 

Even in the hallways we struggle, because the barrier whatever it is, forces us away from each other. I can never get near to him. So I stay in my dorm. Learning, revising, trying to amp up my grades. 

I'm stuck staring at him. Remembering his face, his voice. When he answers a question in class, I focus on every syllable. My eyes never leave his. I memorise every crevice of his face, every mole and line. Scared that at night I won't remember. The bruises on him are the worst. The ones that Umbridge left. He assures me in his letters he's alright. But I can't be sure. Not until I can see them myself.

The only way I'm surviving is through sending him owls. His letters give me hope. He believes in me. Believes we can get through this.  They make me laugh. They make me cry. The amount of letters of his that are smudged by his tears make me cry too. I need him. Him not being with me makes me realise how much my body, my mind craves him. Constantly. I need the boy I love back. 

I want to kiss every part of his body that Umbridge hurt. 

Then I want to kill her. 

So I'm studying. Currently with Hermione right now as she finishes counting up my practice test for Charms. 

"68%" She smiles. "12% more and you'll be at 80%"

"Hermione. It's hopeless. I'm never gonna see him again" I groan into my desk, resting my head on my arm. The depression comes in waves. Short and quick waves but waves the same. 

"Hey" She says, rubbing my back motherly "You'll see him again Bree, you're getting better. You really are." 

My head perks up at her confidence. "Hermione you have to stop her." I say clutching her shoulders making her flinch. "You have to get rid of her. Okay? Dumbledores army. Draco's after it. You can't let her beat you. You just can't" My voice is forceful, desperate. 

Theodore Nott x Bree ThorneWhere stories live. Discover now