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This isn't my room. My eyes flutter open. I can see numerous beds in neat rows. I'm in my own one. The white sheets cold and scratchy. I pull the curtain next to me to try and see someone else but no-bodies there. A sharp aching pain fills my head again. I go to touch it and i feel a wet bandage around it. Right, Why was i in here? I was playing quidditch. Nott was there. Yes he was definitely there. We were winning Ravenclaw was winning. Did we win the game? I don't know. I must've left before the end. My eyes reach the end of the table with scattered gifts around. Cards and all sorts. Draco has bought me a new perfume and some white roses. Daphne got me a charm for my bracelet. Blaise had written me a get well soon card and got me lilies too. Even Pansy got me a pair of emerald earrings because I'm guessing Draco forced her too. Nothing from Theo. I'm not surprised. I have a card from the Weasleys, Neville had bought me Bertie botts beans, Hermione her copy of Wuthering heights. Marianne however has filled the table with a big balloon and a teddy that's bigger than a 1st year. Draco won't be happy.  

"You're awake!" A girl screams running towards me. Marianne is running through the infirmary a big bouquet of tulips in her hand. She throws them on the bed, by my feet. She wraps me in a hug. Her strong smelling perfume choking me and her hair is in my mouth. She wouldn't notice though. "I was so worried. Here" She takes the flowers off my feet and hands them to me. The smell fills my nose once again. The blue spelled tulips look stunning but i can't really do anything with them so she takes them off me and places me on the table. 

"Thanks, How long have i been asleep."

"Two days. Bludger to the head. You have a concussion." Her brown eyes light up as she leans in for a hug again. 

"So? Did we win?" I ask her

"Did we win what?" She tilts her head to the side. "Oh you mean the match. No, no we didn't. Slytherin seeker caught the snitch 20 minutes after you passed out."

Damn it. That means Slytherin are thinking they're going to win in our next game. The deciding one. If they win, they'll be top of the league. Stupid asshole Nott, using a charm. I wonder if Flitwick noticed. Probably not. Snape would've but why would he ruin his own win. 

"Mari, Do i look like crap?" I say snapping out of my daydream. My eyes going down to my hair and bloodied hands. However i'm left in my quidditch under layers. 

"No" She shakes her head. "I mean you look as good as a person can with a bandage around your head. But you still look gorgeous." She fiddles with the end of my braid. Still up from the game. The brown ends look dry, I'm in desperate need of a wash. 

I see Draco saunter in his eyes flash as he sees I'm awake. Both girls and Blaise are with him. "You're finally awake." He gives me a hug and nods his head at Marianne. I can see his lips twitch as he realises he's got me less presents than her. I smile at him to let him know it's okay but I know he'll do something to even the score. 

"Did you see all your presents?" Daphne asks.

"Yes I did. Thank you so much all of you. You really didn't have to get me anything. It's only a concussion." 

"Nott is supposed to be here" Blaise says looking at the floor. "Something came up." 

You can practically smell the tension in the air. If Mari wasn't here he would've told me. Mari knows that. Thats why she claps her hands together to draw the tension back to something else. "I have all your schoolwork here." She hands me my bag. I see Draco's nostrils flare. I know he would've done the same if I was in some more of his classes and he hates me not being in many. "But i have to go. I'm supposed to meet Damien Larson somewhere." She grins excitedly "Toodles" 

"Bye Mari" I wave waiting until she's left. "Draco you can stop scowling now, she's gone."

"I was not scowling" He growls

Theodore Nott x Bree ThorneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora