Episode 17

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Another normal day at school unfolds like a familiar script, each scene a blend of routine and possibility. As the morning sun casts its golden rays through classroom windows, the campus stirs to life, awakening to the rhythm of academic pursuits and social interactions.

Students trickle in, their footsteps echoing in empty hallways before converging in bustling corridors alive with chatter and laughter. Backpacks sway with each hurried step, textbooks clutched tightly against chests, as the promise of knowledge beckons from beyond classroom doors.


~ In the school library, Minju diligently worked through her assignments, the soft shuffle of pages and muted whispers of fellow students providing a tranquil backdrop. With class looming on the horizon, she focused intently, determined to complete her tasks before the day's lessons began.

> "Hey, I know you've been buried in your work. Here," a familiar voice chimed, offering Minju two sandwiches with a warm smile, a gesture of thoughtfulness amid the busyness of the library.

~As Minju glanced up, she caught sight of Dongun, his trademark smile lighting up his features, his backpack casually slung over one shoulder.

> "Still tackling those assignments?" Dongun queried, settling into the chair opposite Minju with a mix of interest and care evident in his voice and demeanor.

> "I've already finished, just some quick touch-ups left," Minju explained, her tone conveying a sense of accomplishment and determination to complete her tasks efficiently.

~After her remark, a quiet settled between them. Minju observed the stillness and glanced up to find Dongun lost in thought. His eyes, usually bright, now held a shadow of sadness that didn't escape Minju's notice.

> "괜찮으세요(Are you okay)?", Minju inquired, her voice soft with concern as she reached out to break the silence enveloping them.

> " 괜찮아(I'm alright),", Dongun reassured her, mustering a smile to alleviate any worries Minju might have sensed lingering within him.

> "How's your mother holding up, Dongun?" Minju asked, her voice tinged with genuine concern.

~As Minju voiced her observation, Dongun simply remained silent, his emotions swirling beneath the surface as he fought to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over.

> "Can I hug you?" Dongun's voice trembled as he quietly asked Minju, his arms extended towards her, seeking comfort in her embrace.

~ As Minju approached Dongun, she could feel the weight of his emotions. Without a word, she wrapped her arms around him, offering the comfort he desperately needed. Dongun, finally releasing the dam of his pent-up tears, buried his face in her shoulder. Minju gently stroked his hair, her touch a soothing balm to his troubled soul, as she silently vowed to stand by him through his struggles.

> "Feeling a bit more settled?" Minju asked, her tone warm and comforting as she sensed Dongun's emotions easing.

~Dongun simply nodded in response, his silent acknowledgment conveying his gratitude for Minju's comforting presence.

> "Can we... stay like this?", Dongun softly whispered, his voice barely audible. His heart trembled, not daring to reveal his face to Minju, fearing what her reaction might unveil.

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