Episode 15

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~ The first day of school break heralds a sense of liberation and anticipation, like stepping into a vast expanse of uncharted territory. As the final bell rings and classrooms empty, students spill out into the world, their spirits buoyed by the promise of weeks unfettered by academic obligations. The air crackles with excitement, tinged with the sweet scent of freedom and possibility. Laughter echoes through the corridors, mingling with the chatter of friends making plans for adventures yet to unfold. Backpacks feel lighter, shoulders unburdened by the weight of textbooks and assignments. Outside, the world seems to stretch endlessly, beckoning with open arms to those eager to explore its wonders. The sun hangs high in the sky, casting its golden rays upon the landscape like a benediction, as if granting permission to indulge in the simple pleasures of leisure and relaxation. For some, the first day of school break is a time to reconnect with family and friends, to bask in the warmth of familiar faces and shared memories. For others, it is a chance to embark on new adventures, to travel to far-off lands or delve into hobbies and interests long neglected during the academic grind. As the day unfolds, each moment is infused with the heady aroma of possibility, as if the very air thrums with the excitement of endless opportunities waiting to be seized. Whether spent lounging in the shade of a favorite tree, exploring the pages of a beloved book, or embarking on grand escapades, the first day of school break is a canvas upon which to paint the vibrant hues of joy, discovery, and boundless imagination.


~As Minju woke up, sunlight streamed into her room, accompanied by the sweet melodies of chirping birds. Stretching, she felt a sense of peace enveloping her. Glancing at the photos adorning her walls, memories flooded her mind, each snapshot a cherished moment frozen in time. With a smile, Minju rose from her bed and drew back the curtains, welcoming the vibrant colors of the morning. Her serene moment was interrupted by the shrill ringing of her phone on the bedside table. Curious and slightly annoyed, she reached for it, wondering who could be calling at such an early hour.

> "Why are you calling me at this hour?", Minju questioned, her voice carrying a hint of irritation, disrupted from her peaceful morning.

> "Surprise, surprise! Not even a hello for me?", The voice on the other end dripped with playful melodrama, easily discernible even over the phone's connection.

> Minju sighed softly. "Hello to you, Sangwon,", she said, her tone tinged with a mixture of amusement and exasperation.

> "Satisfied now, are we?", Sangwon teased, his voice laced with playful satisfaction at Minju's response, knowing he had successfully drawn a reaction from her.

> "Sure, but could you tell me why you're calling me?", Minju inquired, her tone carrying a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

> "I've been dying to hear all about your time with Junghwan yesterday. How'd it go?", Sangwon's voice brimmed with excitement as he awaited her response.

> "Why the sudden interest?", Minju inquired, her curiosity piqued by Sangwon's unusually zealous inquiry about her rendezvous with Junghwan.

> "Naturally, I'm eager to glean every detail about my dear friend's budding romance,", Sangwon remarked, his tone tinged with playful intrigue and genuine interest.

~As Minju delved into the intricacies of her date with Junghwan, Sangwon's reactions escalated from animated gasps to full-blown exclamations of enthusiasm. Each time Sangwon erupted with excitement, Minju found herself instinctively pulling her phone away, as if physically distancing herself from the intensity of Sangwon's reactions.

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