Episode 14

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~ As the academic hustle subsided, a lively hum of excitement filled the corridors as students engaged in animated conversations about their upcoming three-week holiday break. The air was infused with a palpable sense of anticipation as plans, both grand and modest, were exchanged among peers. Groups of friends gathered, forming clusters of laughter and chatter, each member eager to share their holiday agendas. Some spoke of exotic travel destinations, detailing beach getaways or cultural explorations, while others animatedly discussed plans for leisurely moments closer to home. The exchange of ideas became a tapestry of diverse aspirations, with mentions of family gatherings, movie marathons, book reading goals, and spontaneous adventures. The anticipation of the impending break fostered an atmosphere of camaraderie, as students discovered shared interests and made plans to make the most of their well-deserved time away from academic pursuits. The buzz of excitement resonated throughout the school, transforming the corridors into a space where dreams of relaxation, exploration, and rejuvenation were woven into the fabric of conversations, creating a collective anticipation for the upcoming holiday season.


~The school rooftop, bathed in the soft hues of the setting sun, offered a serene escape for Minju, Jiwon, Sangwon, and Dongun. The gentle breeze played with their hair as they sat in a circle, sharing laughter and stories against the backdrop of a breathtaking view. The distant city skyline painted a picture of urban life, while the vibrant hues of the sky promised a beautiful twilight. This rooftop, once a hidden gem, had now become a cherished haven where friendships blossomed under the vast canvas of the morning sky.

> "As the holidays approach, what adventures are you all planning?", Jiwon asked, a sense of anticipation lingering in the air atop the school rooftop, their chosen haven for conversation.

> Sangwon chimed in with enthusiasm, "We've got a family trip planned to visit my grandparents' house during the holidays.", The friends continued sharing their holiday plans on the school rooftop.

> Dongun chimed in, "Likewise, I'll be heading to my hometown for the holidays. Family time, you know?"

> Turning towards Minju, Sangwon inquired, "And you, Minju? Any exciting plans for the holidays?"

> Minju casually remarked, "Currently, I find myself without any scheduled activities with my brothers."

> Jiwon advised, "Consider seizing the opportunity this holiday to express your feelings to Junghwan—it might be the perfect moment for a heartfelt confession."

~A flush of crimson tinted Minju's cheeks upon contemplating confessing to Junghwan. The vivid memory of Junghwan's planned hangout later today added a layer of anticipation to her thoughts.

> Dongun quipped with playful curiosity, "Spill the beans! Why the rosy complexion on your face?"

~Jiwon, Sangwon, and Dongun swiftly caught on, playfully teasing her, their mischievous grins suggesting they were well aware of Minju's potential rendezvous with Junghwan.

> With a touch of excitement, Minju disclosed, "Junghwan actually proposed a hangout for today after school,", leaving their faces adorned with genuine surprise and intrigue.

> Sangwon playfully nudged her shoulder, suggesting, "Well, looks like you have the perfect opportunity to confess to him."

> Minju chimed in, "Let's not rush it, guys. I feel it's a tad too early for me to spill my feelings."

> Dongun interjected with a playful grin, "Hold on, 'spill your feelings'? Are you hinting at some grand confession plan already?"

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