Episode 6

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~ With the dawn of a new day, the teasing reached new heights, intensifying tenfold, fueled by Jiwon's vivid storytelling of yesterday's events, shared through a video call with Sangwon and Dongun last night.



~ During their video chat last night, the four friends discussed their day, and Jiwon eagerly recounted the events of that morning to Sangwon and Dongun.

> "Guess what happened this morning?", Jiwon eagerly exclaimed.

> "Oh, Jiwon, enlighten us with the thrilling tale of your morning escapades. Did you discover a riveting cat video, or was it something even more groundbreaking?",  Sangwon teased.

> "Was it an adorable cat video, or did you stumble upon an irresistible outfit you won't buy?", Dongun chimed in.

> Jiwon grinned, "Nope, something way more interesting."

> "Did you lose some weight? Your face looks brighter or is it just the lighting?", Sangwon remarked.

> "Guess who we unexpectedly ran into this morning at the park?", Jiwon eagerly shared.

> "Quit with the suspense and just spill the beans already!", Dongun eagerly exclaimed.

> "Enough with the suspense, Jiwon. We bumped into Junghwan this morning,", Minju said, tired of Jiwon's teasing. Both the male's eyes widened in genuine surprise as they looked at them through their video lenses.

> "We caught him playing the guitar near a tree, surrounded by people singing along. It was surprisingly romantic—ticking all the boxes for Minju's ideal type.", Jiwon stated, sharing every single detail.

~ The two guys huddled closer to the screen, cocooned in blankets and surrounded by a fortress of pillows, eagerly anticipating more details as they geared up to conclude their nightly video call. Minju sat silently, soaking in her friends' excitement, their voices resonating throughout the room. She made an effort to keep things hushed, not wanting to disturb the tranquility of their surroundings and risk waking up anyone in their respective households.

> "The best part is that Junghwan walked towards us and then invited her to study together at the library after school!", Jiwon excitedly exclaimed. The other two squealed in delight, their excitement resonating through the room as they absorbed the details of the thrilling event.

> "I can't imagine the look on Minju's face; it's probably as red as a tomato,", Sangwon chuckled, clearly enjoying the situation with the other two agreeing with his statement.

> "Hey, you guys do realize I'm still here, right?", Minju interjected, a mix of embarrassment and amusement in her tone, as her friends continued sharing the details of the unexpected encounter.

> "Oh, you're here, I forgot,", Dongun casually remarked, earning an eye roll from Minju.

> "Anyway, I think we should go to sleep now; it's getting late,", Sangwon suggested, signaling the end of their video call. Earning agreement from the others, they bid their goodnights and ended the video call.

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