Episode 8

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~ As the week progressed, the atmosphere at the school became increasingly charged with nervous energy. The impending exams, mere two weeks away, cast a shadow over the students, creating a palpable sense of urgency and anxiety. Huddled in groups, students exchanged notes, reviewed textbooks, and engaged in fervent discussions about exam preparations. The library, usually a haven for quiet study, echoed with the rustle of pages and whispered conversations as everyone intensified their efforts to absorb as much knowledge as possible before the impending assessments. The influx of students cramming for exams turned the library into a bustling hive of activity, making it impossible for Minju to find the serene study environment she once enjoyed. The once tranquil haven was now filled with the hum of anxious whispers, shuffling papers, and the occasional stressed sighs, leaving Minju yearning for a quieter place to focus on her studies.


~Minju, Sangwon, Jiwon, and Dongun gathered at the school garden to engage in a brief chat before the impending start of their classes. The vibrant colors of blooming flowers provided a soothing backdrop as they shared their thoughts and laughter amid the calming atmosphere.

> "Everyone seems to be going all out for this exam,", Dongun observed, expressing the collective intensity surrounding the upcoming tests.

> "Everyone is putting in their best effort for the exams, but you here seems to have a unique approach to preparation.", Sangwon teased.

> "Well, I believe in a more relaxed strategy. Quality over quantity, my friends!", Dongun playfully responded.

> "You're forgetting the late-night panic calls that you have with me, questioning the meaning of life and the possibility of academic doom.", Jiwon chuckled.

> "I just like to discuss profound topics when the moon is high in the sky, that's all!", Dongun defended the reasoning of his antics the other day.

~ As they delved into various topics, Minju found herself immersed in the lively banter, occasionally sharing a smile or joining in the laughter. These moments with her friends were a source of joy, making her grateful for the camaraderie they shared. Caught in a moment of distraction, Minju noticed Junghwan sitting at a distance, lost in his world with headphones on, jotting down notes. His focused demeanor intrigued her, and she couldn't help but marvel at the captivating sight, questioning if someone like him could be real.

> "Minju, are you tuned in?", Jiwon questioned, gently shaking her shoulders to bring her back to the conversation. Minju turned her head to find her friends gazing at her, curious about her thoughts or the focus of her gaze. Dongun followed her gaze and noticed that Minju was observing Junghwan in the distance.

> Dongun chimed in, his tone playful, "You know, Minju, if you keep staring at Junghwan like that, might as well writing a love letter.", Jiwon and Sangwon laughed along, teasing Minju about her subtle distraction.

~ Minju, with a playful smirk, rolled her eyes at her friends, dismissing their banter effortlessly. She continued to enjoy the lively chatter, occasionally glancing in Junghwan's direction, a subtle smile dancing on her lips as she pondered the enjoyable moments spent with her friends.

> "Minju, what about the hangout with Junghwan, do you agree on going?", Sangwon, with a curious gleam in his eyes, inquired about Minju's plans for the hangout with Junghwan, eager to hear her response and possibly gather more details.

> "Oh, the hangout! Well, at first, I must admit, I was a little unsure. You know, the usual jitters about spending time outside of our usual study sessions. But then, I thought, why not? It might be a great chance to bond and explore new facets of our friendship. So, yeah, count me in. I'm looking forward to it!", with a subtle smile, Minju affirmed her consent, her gaze momentarily captivated by Junghwan's figure as he made his way towards the school buildings.

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