Chapter 25: Global Protest Pt.1 (Short)

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GATE Opening

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GATE Opening


Location: United States of America, Washington D.C.

3rd Person Pov

The scene opens to United States of America, Washington D.C. as we see thousand of Police and SWAT Units enter the Capital hill. Infront of the Capital Hill was an thousand of protestor, Including the APF, Neo-Confederancy & Neo-Nazis Extremists while waving the Nazi Flags, Trump flag and the Anti-USKA Flag.

The Protestors begin to charges at the police and SWAT. This create a fight between the two groups as the Protestors attacked the polices with rocks, molotovs and weapons too. This creates chaos in the capital hill as the polices, swat and rioters are dying one by one. Even more worses than January 6 riot.

The National Guard able to arrived to stop the violences.


Location: United States of America, New York City

3rd Person Pov

In New York City, Thinks are getting even more worse than washington dc. The PILR (People Islamic Liberation Rebellion) attacking the Police and SWAT with ARs and Pistols. The City turned into a warzone, As bombs destroyed the buildings and vehicles in the city. Causing Chaos in the city, United States Armed Forces arrived in the city and placed marshell law in the city.

But, This created more problems around the US. As the Suicidal Bombs suddenly happening in the Military Bases. Creating more chaos in the streets.


Location: Russian Federation, Moscow.

3rd Person Pov

In the City of Moscow, Things were looking good in Russia. Pro-Communist Russians and Pro-Marxist are waving the Soviet Flags as many wanted to start a Russian Revolutions in the Alternate History. Many chanted "DOWN WITH TSAR!!!!" or "DEATH TO CAPITALIST AND AMERICA!!!!" or some other they saying.

However, The Russian League able are against the Pro-Communist Groups as the League wanted russia to being better and Democratic than the America. However, It's results to nothing as the Police became aggression and arrested all League with violences. Except the Pro-Communist.

To Be Continue


Next Chapter: Global Protest Pt.2 (Short)

A/N: Sorry for a short, So the next will see Protest started their own militia.


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