Chapter 14: Trip to USKA Again Pt.2

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A/N: Someone eat my pizza.........

Ẅ̵̨̹͍̜̮́̄̋̌̔͐͘͝ḧ̷̨͓͉̹̹̝̫̟̣ͅo̴͖̬͚̠͒̈́͒͌͠  d̵̡̰͓̟͈͕̖̹͕͕͗̾̇́͌̎̐̕ī̶̡̧͙̺͓̗̝̪̩͋͆̀͐̓͐̒͜d̵̡̰͓̟͈͕̖̹͕͕͗̾̇́͌̎̐̕  ī̶̡̧͙̺͓̗̝̪̩͋͆̀͐̓͐̒͜ţ̸̹̫̭͙̺̳̻̞̩͆  ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ

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Ẅ̵̨̹͍̜̮́̄̋̌̔͐͘͝ḧ̷̨͓͉̹̹̝̫̟̣ͅo̴͖̬͚̠͒̈́͒͌͠  d̵̡̰͓̟͈͕̖̹͕͕͗̾̇́͌̎̐̕ī̶̡̧͙̺͓̗̝̪̩͋͆̀͐̓͐̒͜d̵̡̰͓̟͈͕̖̹͕͕͗̾̇́͌̎̐̕  ī̶̡̧͙̺͓̗̝̪̩͋͆̀͐̓͐̒͜ţ̸̹̫̭͙̺̳̻̞̩͆  ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ



Location: Dillman Hill, German-American Military Base

Parker Pov

It's the next day for me. After general Jackson assign me as a escort for the US Ambassedor and the US Soldiers. Not only that, But reporters will be here and livestream for the world see our world. Tony still some "Sus" stuff & My little sister was on the mission fighting against whatever hell she fought.

I eat my cheese and meet the general outside of the HQ. After two minutes of waiting, The convoy of US Army arrived and the US Ambassedor opens the car door reveal herself.

Jackson: So you came.

US Ambassedor: You're general jackson are you?

Jackson: Yes, You're here for a relationship?

US Ambassedor: Yes, Since you're child president reveal you're history from the alternate world. We want to visit, Or we also brought reporters with us.

Jackson: *Nodded* I understand. Also, I want you all to introduce to someone.

I stand foward with my calm expression.

Jackson: This is Lieutenant Parker Drake. He will been you're guide/escort.

Parker: Hi, I'll been escort.

US Ambassedor: I see, Also I heard you're previous Lieutenant got promoted. Did you know where he is?

Parker: Oh right, Well......


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