Chapter 16: Trip to USKA Again Pt.4

798 13 19

Perv 221Sep: All woman Are Queens!

Thot Slayer 221Sep: If she breathes! SHE'S A THOT!!!!!!

Perv & Thot Slayer 221Sep: *Scream in rage* AHHHHH!!!!!



Location: USKA, Washington DC, White House

3rd Person Pov

Parker, US Ambassedor, US Marines and Reporters arrived in the white house

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Parker, US Ambassedor, US Marines and Reporters arrived in the white house. Fortunately, The White House looks the same. But much futuristic and heavy protected. Like ███ idiots having fun.

Parker: Wecome to the white house.

US Ambassedor: Wow, The White House looks the same.

Parker: It was, But has protected turrets and heavy security.

US Ambassedor: Wait? Turrets?

Parker: Yep, Also. The President waiting for you all. We can't wait for him.

The US Ambassedor, US Marines and Reporters nodded.

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And Back to the story

The scene shown in the white house as we see a meeting room. As we see US Ambassedor, US Marines and Reporters setting up many camera so that the views will see it. Parker was next to door waiting for the president.

Parker: *Though* I hope the president won't agreed to this shit. Even the ███ won't think of that.

The door opens to revealed to be president Y/N with bodyguards with him.

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