Chapter 10: The (UN) Involved in Peace

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(GATE: OP 2)


Location: United States of America, New York City, UN Building.

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown Y/N & F/N arriving at the UN Building with secret services on their side.

Y/N: So, This is the UN Building.

F/N: Ja, But I have bad feeling the UN Members will ask about our countries and the allies.

Y/N: Indeed.

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And back to the story

The scene shown Y/N and F/N were on the stages and see the UN Members, Including the Iran ambassador and chinese UN Member. The UN Leader announce the meeting begins.

UN Leader: Now I wanted ask about your two countries.

Y/N & F/N: Okay/Ja.

UN Leader: We know about your historys and..... Much surprisedly that anything have chances. So-

However, UN Leader was interrupted by the iran ambassador.

Iran Ambassador: Sorry for interrupt, But are you Y/N.

Y/N: Yes, I am-

Iran Ambassador: Are you demon from hell?

Y/N: *Confused* W-W-What?

Iran Ambassador: If you immortal, Than you are the demon from hell and wanted to be the leader to this fake america. I say again, Are you a demon or not.

Y/N: But I'm not, Why did you think that?

Iran Ambassador: Because you have fox ears and nine tails. Meaning you are a demon from hell!

Y/N: Ambassador, I am not a demon from hell. You just think that I from hell, Which I not.

Chinese UN Member: Than why are you still a child-like appearance.

Y/N: I stop aging since I was 9 years old. It was weird, But I keep my same memories and personality in my life.

However, An Russian Ambassador decided to interrupt.

Russian Ambassador: Sorry for interrupt. But I wanted to ask a question about you two.

Y/N & F/N were confused about this, So they nodded.

Russian Ambassador: Did you two...... Have Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Y/N: Well..... Yes.

F/N: Ja.

This surprise the UN Members. However, Y/N told them something that threater the 3 superpowers.

Y/N: But I do have the most powerful weapons on earth. Without nuclear weapons arsenals.

The UN Members were confused.

French UN Leader: Without nuclear weapons? What did you mean by that?

Y/N told them about the ion cannon, Which is an satellite that shoots and obliterated the entire city. Y/N show them the video.

(A/N: Like this, So yeah)

The Video show the city have been obliterated by a ion cannon. The city was reduce to nothing by ash and the area around it have turn into glass.

The UN Members were silents and many were horrified by the ion cannon able to obliterate the entire city, Without nuclear arsenals. The Russian Ambassador stay silent and begins to sweat feeling if the ion cannon moscow....... They're screw.


Location: Japan, ????????

3rd Person Pov

??? 1: You want us to infiltrate the USKA and steal their military technologies?

??? 2: Da, But we need to be careful. The USKA have the advance technologies that could detect us, UN meetings still ongoing with the president and the kaiser.

??? 3: Stealing from the demon child technologies. That will be good iran.

??? 4: Enough! Let's get going before someone notices us.

To Be Continue


Next Chapter 11: Fail mission.

A/N: General, I tried to sneak around. But my ass cheeks keeps alerting the guards.

End Credits

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