15. May

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Pond's pov:

I wake up to my phone, buzzing next to me loudly. It's some random group chat I'm in going insane. I was about to get off the couch when i felt something pulling me down. I look down on my stomach and chest, Phuwin. My heart skips a beat. I look at the time, 9:25. I put my phone to the side and close my eyes, hugging Phuwin.

After an hour or so, Phuwin wakes up, and he looks around very confusingly. Once he realizes he's at my place and seeing me lay next to him, he calms down a little. He starts searching for his phone. After a few seconds, he spots his phone on the floor lying on the rug. He stretches his arm a little and reaches out for it. He quickly gets pulled back to the couch unsuccessfully by two hands that are around his waist. After the 4th attempt, he finally succeeds. He unlocks it and goes through all socials and finally texts Dunk back. Suddenly, he felt movement next to him. I was waking up.
"Hey," I says with a sleepy voice. When I realized how we were lying on the couch, I instantly removed my hands from his waist and moved away a few centimeters.
"Hi," Phuwin says. I take a quick look at my phone and then get up from the couch.
"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask, walking towards the kitchen. Phuwin raises his head from his phone.
"Whatever you have."
"Waffles it is!"

I start making the waffles while Phuwin sits down on a stool behind the island. I was stirring the batter.
"So how are you doing?" I ask. Phuwin looks at me for a few seconds, making it quiet in the room.
"If you talking about yesterday, im holding up. Just hope i won't see him again."
"You won't for a long time." I mumble to myself. Phuwin raises one eyebrow.
"How do you know that?"

I show Phuwin where the bathroom is. When I'm sure the water is running, i take out my phone and dial a number.
"Yes, Mr.Naravit?"
"I need you to take care of someone, Aaron Chen."
"Right away, sir!"
I end the call

"I just feel it." I say. When i finish the first patch of waffles, i give a plate to Phuwin. He takes two and adds syrup on it. We both eat our waffles in peace.
"What are you doing today?" I ask.
"Nothing much."
"Help me find a Christmas gift for my mother."
"Hmm.. sure." I smile at that.

We arrive at the mall, making our way to the 3rd floor. First, we enter the beauty shop, looking around makeup and perfumes. We both were looking around for quite a while when Phuwin sprayed one on his neck.
"How about this one?" He asks, giving me the perfume bottle. I don't know what was going through my head, but i decided to move my face towards his neck and not the perfume bottle. We both stood there very confused.
"I- I'll go look at more lipsticks," Phuwin said in a rush while stuttering a little. He walked off quickly. I still stood there confused, took me a while to realize what i did. I tried not to think about it and continued looking at perfumes. I was just picking up random bottles when i found this wonderful red one that smelled like roses. For some reason, it made me think of Phuwin. I decided to take 2 perfume bottles. One of the rose ones, and one of the ones Phuwin sprayed on his neck. I paid for both of them, making the total 7700 thai baht (200€, 217$, 170£)
I walked up to Phuwin, who was looking at different lipsticks.
"I found the perfect one," i say, putting one of my hands on his shoulder.
"We'll then that's good, I'm also buying something." He says, walking towards the cashiers. I raise one of my eyebrows.
"And that is?"
He completely ignored my question while paying. We both walked out of the store. I take his hand a little and then ask again.
"What is it?"
"It's a secret," he says, putting his index finger over his mouth. I laugh at that.

I quickly stop walking while still holding Phuwin's hand. He turns around to face me while having a confused look on his face. I point towards an arcade.
"You wanna go to an arcade?" He asks me. I nod.
"Well, let's go." I pull him towards the arcade. Once we enter, i pay for both of us and get us tokens. We walk around a little, i stop when i spot a basketball game. I put in a few coins and took the ball in my hand, missing the first ball.
"Ooo, are you this bad at it?" Phuwin asks jokingly.
"I'm just warming up." The next 7 balls went straight in.
"See?" I say, putting one of my hands around his shoulder.
"Okay, okay." We both laugh now. We play a few more games when Phuwin spots a claw machine. He loses on his first try. I laugh a little. He smaks my shoulder.
"Which one do you want?" I ask. Phuwin points at the cute penguin plushie.
"The penguin,"
I put in my coins and win him it in seconds.
I hand it to him, and he smiles like a little kid. He hugs it tightly.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He says. Now, giving me a hug. It was unexpected, but i hugged him back.

When we walk out of the arcade, i spot someone, May

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When we walk out of the arcade, i spot someone, May. My childhood friend. I walk up to her.
"May?" She stands up and gives me a hug.
"Pond! It's so nice to see you again!" We're both laughing now. Phuwin just stands next to me, very confused.
"Oh, who's this?" She asks, looking towards Phuwin.
"Oh! This is a close friend of mine, Phuwin."
"Hi! I'm May, " She says.
"Hi, Phuwin," Phuwin says with a smile on his face.
"It has been so long since we last saw each other. Why don't we sit down somewhere and talk." May says
"Yeah, why not,"

The three of us are now sitting at some cafe.
"Hey, I'll go use the bathroom real quick." I say, making my way towards the bathroom.
When May was sure i left, she started talking again.
"Heard that, close friend? He doesn't think of you more than a friend." May says with some serious attitude. Phuwin raised his head from his phone, looking at May in a confused but, at the same time, emotionless look.
"What the fuck are you talking
"He doesn't like you,"
"And how do you know that?"
May crossed her arms and then sighed.
"Me and Pond have been friends ever since we were like 10, i know him. You're a monthly slut to him." We both stay quiet. Phuwin still maintains an emotionless face.
"Plus, i like him, so it won't be long till he asks me out." She adds. She was getting on Phuwin's nerves. Phuwin was about to say something when I came back and sat in between Phuwin and May. We all ordered something to drink, and May and I continued catching up while Phuwin was on his phone listening to our conversation. May was obviously flirting with me. She kept on touching my arm and giving little hints to me. She made quick glances at Phuwin after every touch, making sure he saw it.

Hold me as tight as possible {JoongDunk & PondPhuwin}Where stories live. Discover now