5. Sadly I don't remember

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Dunk's pov:

"Wait, so you're telling me that you saw him again in the cafeteria before coming to the music room yesterday?" I asked. Phuwin nods in response. "He's part of the football team, even more reasons to hate him."
"We should ask Niran about him. We might be able to find out something interesting about him." I said. We start walking towards our classroom for English, but we meet someone in the halls. The football team, and that includes Joong and Phuwin's mystery guy. As we walk by, he makes eye contact with Phuwin smiles and winks. We both get into the classroom as fast as possible. But to our horrible luck, half of the football team follows, including them. We just sit down in our assigned seat and stay silent. To Phuwin's surprise, the mystery guy sits right next to him and smiles again. What's wrong with this man?
After class, before we could leave the classroom, we get stopped by him again. "Come on, just give me your number." He asks, putting on another smile. Does he not get tired of this. "No, keep on dreaming."

"Wait, so you slept with someone from the football team, but you dont have a clue who and now you're coming to me for information?" Niran asks, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. Prija and Malee were talking about their own things in the meantime. We were currently sitting at 'Blue cloud' hanging out. Niran quickly pulls out his phone and shows a team photo from their Instagram. "Show me who it is." Phuwin looks at every single face and finally pointed at some guy with dark brownish hair. "Him, that's the guy." Niran takes a look and stays quiet for a second or two before he looks at Phuwin in confusion and shock. "You slept with Pond at Prijas party?"
"I don't know his name, but that's his face." As the last words slipped from Phuwin's mouth, Prija and Malee also started to pay attention to our conversation. "You slept with Pond THE Naravit at my party? Oh my god... Pond was at MY party." Prija was extremely happy knowing that one of the most popular boys from the entire college was at her party.
"Pond is one of the richest but also the rudest guys from our school, he's a total fuckboy." Says Malee.
"Yeah, Pond, Joong and a few other boys from our team are crazy rich and popular. They're good-looking and complete jerks, but the girls seem to only see them for the looks and popularity not carrying about the obvious red flags." Phuwin looks at his hand that are in his lap, shocked and scared from all that he learned about 'Pond'. What does someone like him want from Phuwin? Prjia breaks the silence. "So it's officially been December for a few days now, we should all do something fun." Malee starts aggressively nodding. "Yeah, let's do something Christmas themed, like ice skating, making and decorating gingerbread houses or what ever." Me, Phuwin and Niran all agree to these fun plans.

I've been on my phone for the past god-knows how many hours just aimlessly going from one app to another. I decided to go to the mall, i texted the group chat, but everyone was busy. So i decided to go alone. I put on my shoes and take my car keys as i make it down the hall to the elevator and then to the garage underground. After a quick 15-minute drive, i make it the mall. I go up to the 3rd floor with the escalator. I walk around a little hopping in and out of shops looking at clothing, shoes, jewelry, bags, and other stuff. I decided to go inside a makeup store. I really needed a new perfume. I go from an aisle to another. Suddenly, i stop as i see a familiar face with some girl. It's Joong with some girl about our age, looking at different lipsticks. They look close. So Joong let's the girls from our school give him expensive gifts, make him food, invite him to places and flirts with them but he has a girlfriend? He's a complete jerk. I decided to take a picture of them. I make sure that Joongs face is see able, but i still have manners so i try to take it from an angle that the girl's face isn't in the frame, only her hair and back. I go take the perfume i wanted and pay.

As i leave the store, i see Joong and the girl say goodbye to each other. I decided to approach him. He looks surprised to see me. I take out my phone and show him the picture. "So you're letting the girls waste their money and time on you, even though you have a girlfriend. You sound like a jerk to me." I say as he grabs my phone to look at the picture more closely. He stays silent for a few seconds, sighs, and then says: "Let's go talk somewhere else." We made our way to some cafe and sat down at a table by the window. We stayed silent for a few seconds, then he opened his mouth again. "Just a few hours ago she told me how she felt about me and I told her I would have to think about it. I know I've been a complete jerk to you for years, but i would prefer if you didn't tell any of the girls from our school that I'm talking to another girl. It would make things much easier because I've been rejecting their gifts and turning them down. I just can't accept the gifts, If don't have feelings for them. It feels so wrong." He stays silent again and waits for a response from me. I look at him and sigh. "Fine, your secret is safe with me, but do me a quick favor. Do you remember anything from Prija's party? Maybe about who you left it with?" I ask. "Interesting question.... but nothing much, just that i slept with some guy from our school with dark brown hair... Oh, and their name starts with the letter D, i sadly don't remember their name or face." He makes a small pause and then says: "And i just want to say thank you for trying to keep the secret. Only you, me, and her know about this, not even my teammates."
"Are you trying to make guilt build up in me so i wouldn't tell anyone?" I ask with sarcasm. Joong laughs a little as a response. It's probably the first time ever I've heard him laugh. "I guess so..."

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