10. Love can be shit, man

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Dunk's pov:

I put a few coins in the vending machine to get a drink and then sit back down waiting for Phuwin. I open it and take a few sips looking around from boredom. I get distracted from girls giggling and laughing. I turn around and look where the sound is coming from, and surprise, surprise the football team. I sigh and try to ignore them, but it just seems like the giggling and laughter is getting louder and louder. A minute or 2 later, someone sits across from me, i thought it was Phuwin put when i looked at the person it was Joong. He gave me a smile.
"Hey," he said. I look surprised.
"So we are still doing the project tonight, right?" He asks. I stay quiet, still not processing what happened.
"Yeah, I'll DM you my address."
"That's good then,"
I notice Phuwin, who's looking at his phone, make his way towards our table.
"Hey, you need to go, Phuwin is coming." I say. Joong looks behind his shoulder. He stands up and starts making his way back to his friends, but he stops and leans closer to me and whispers something.
"Good taste in drinks." He says, looking at the drink in my hand. He walks away before i can say anything. He just leaves me there in shock.

********* *****, floor 5 apartment 17
See you at 5

Of course!

I sit on my bed, my laptop in my lap, thinking about Joong. Ever since we saw each other at the mall and i confronted him about that girl, he's been much nicer to me. And it just feels weird. We used to hate each other, but now...
Deep down, i still think he hates me just like i hate him, but he's afraid that I'll tell people about their situationship. To be honest, i don't completely hate him. I wouldn't mind being friends with him. But i think our friendship wouldn't last that long because everyone at schools knows that we are each others enemies. I got snapped out of my thoughts when i heard thunder. It's been raining heavily for hours now. My phone buzzes. It's a notification from Joong.

I'll be there in about 10 minutes

I got up from my bed as i read that message and decided to quickly change my clothes. I heard the doorbell ring, i took a quick look at myself in the bathroom mirror and then made my way down the hall to the front door. I opened it and welcomed Joong in. Joong sat down on my couch and took out his laptop from his bag.
"Want anything to drink?" I asked.
"Tea would be nice."
I walked to the kitchen and put the water to boil as i took 2 mugs from the cabinet and put tea bags in. I let them set for out 3 minutes and then came back to the living room with mugs in hand.
"So where should we start?" He asked.
"How about we both finish up the slides on our holidays and then do the review?"
"Yeah, that sounds like a good plan."
We both worked in silence for about 30 minutes.

"Red or orange?" I ask with a serious voice as i turn my laptop screen towards him. Joong looks so confused.
"For the color theme." I add. Now Joong starts laughing.
"What's so funny?" I ask.
"Your slide has barely any text because you've been thinking of a color theme for 30 minutes?" He asks, barely keeping a straight face. I nodded. Now, at this point, i also start laughing. We both laugh like we've been childhood friends. I fell down the couch from laughing, which made us both laugh even more. We get interrupted by the power going out. The whole apartment was black. All the lights had gone out, including our laptops. That made us instantly shut up. We both looked at each other with wide eyes. Joong got up and walked towards the window to look outside.
"It seems like everyone's power has gone out in this building." He says. He makes a small pause, then adds. "There's a complete storm going on outside, i don't think the power will be on for a few hours."
He sits back down and looks around. "So what now?" He asks. I think for a while, then ask. "Did you come here with a car?" Joong shakes his head. "I was at Pond's before coming here, so he dropped me off." Hearing that, i stand up and make my way towards the kitchen. I opened a fancy cabinet and took out alcohol bottles. I returned to the living room with the bottles. I handed joong an empty glass. "Ay, why not." He says. He picks up a whiskey bottle and pours himself a little. I do the same. We both drink our glasses empty and laugh.
"Didn't expect to spend my Wednesday night drinking, but this is far more interesting than studying."

After many rounds, we were pretty drunk. Joong poured himself a nother drink and then laughs.
"You're a very funny person." He says. I laugh. "Oh, how's it going with that girl?"
"What girl?"
"You know that... that girl with long black hair at the mall."
"Ah! Jae, yeah, we started dating. She's amazing, man."
"That's good to hear. Didn't you like a similar person back in middle school?" Joong stays silent thinking for a minute.
"That's the same person, I've liked Jae ever since middle school." Joong raises one eyebrow.
"Wait, what about you and Prija! I remember how you wanted to ask her out on Valentine's Day a few years ago. Why aren't you guys dating?" I sigh and empty my glass full of whiskey. "She likes someone else." Joong puts his hand on my shoulder and hugs me.
"Love can be shit, man." He says. I laugh at that. Suddenly, the power goes back on.
"Ayyy!" We both scream.

I walk towards the balcony, the breath of some air, and sober up. I take a couple of deep breaths, and soon Joong, who followed me, does the same. I sat back down on the couch and opened up my laptop.
"What ya doing?" Joong asks, looking over my shoulder.
"I'm gonna copy and paste my notes from earlier to our slides." I say as i type something on the keyboard.
"And... done! Our slides are officially done now." I say.
"Let's drink to that!" Joong says with a glass in hand. I sit next to him and take a shot of vodka.
"Wow, it's already 3 am." He says.
"Do you mind if i stay here? I really don't wanna wake up Pond right now."
"Of course! Now we can drink more." Joong laughs.

We decided to sit on the balcony with our drinks in hand. We stayed in silence just enjoying the fresh air and quiet city life.
"You know, i don't really know why I've hated you this whole time. You would be an amazing friend." Joong says. I look at him.
"Really?" I ask. Joong nodds his head. I think at that for a few minutes.
"How about we stop this war and become friends?" I ask. Joong turns his head to face me and looks at me in shock.
"You really wanna be friends?"
"Well, you're the one who told me that i would be an amazing friend."
We both laugh and hug.
"Okay! We're friends now!" Joong says, raising his glass and taking a sip.

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