6. The ice rink

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3rd person pov:

Phuwin sits on his coach drinking hot chocolate as he looks outside at the Christmas decorations. Christmas is the best time of the year, a winter wonderland. His phone buzz brings him back to reality. A message from the group chat.

What are you guys doing right now?



How about we do the Christmas stuff i talked about yesterday?

Sounds fun

Yeah, why not

Im all in

Of course

Let's meet at the mall in an hour

Now that the plans were official, everyone was getting ready to do something Christmasy. In a short but at the same time long hour everyone was at the front of the mall and they all headed inside and up the escalator. "Wait, so what are we doing?" Niran asks. "You'll see!" Malee says. They walk around a little and make it to the ice skating rink. "ICE SKATING!" Prija says in excitement. Everyone looked amazed. They went up to the front desk paid and got their skates in the right sizes.

Niran got on the ice like a bro, a born athlete. Phuwin, on the other hand, landed on his ass the second he got on it. You could hear Dunk laugh at the distance, who also had no problem with the ice. Phuwin showed him a quick middle finger and then made his way to the others, holding on to the walls. "We rented these for a hour and a half so do what every y'all want." Malee says as she slowly skates off. Everyone went their own ways. Dunk skated around a little doing a little 360 by accident and then landing on his ass. Niran of course skated very fast in a hockey player way. Malee was just barely standing up. Prija was showing off her cool tricks: doing cool jumps, spins, and not even once falling down. And Phuwin was trying to get from one end of the rink to the other.

Dunk skates up to him from behind and scares him. Phuwin screams and jumps from that. "What the hell is wrong with you! My heart almost stopped." Dunk laughs. "Why are you so slow?"
"Slow and steady wins the race. Ever heard of that?" Phuwin says in a sarcastic way. They skate around a little and laughing when one of them falls. After a hour or so they all met up again. "Hey let's do a quick pic for insta!" Prija says. Everyone gets closer and poses. "Cute! I'll send it to the group, if y'all post don't forget to tag me!" The rest of the time was spent dancing and skating to the Christmas music that was played on the speakers.

After a very fun day with the group we say our goodbyes and everyone leaves. Phuwin gets in his car and atrats driving towards his place, making a quick stop at a local music store to look at guitars. He opens the door as the bell rings. The store was huge but very comfy. He's come here ever since he moved here in middle school. He says hello and walks to the guitar section. Phuwin looks at different sorts of guitars, his favorite are electric guitars. The reason he came was that he needed new guitar pics. He walks up to the counter and put a bag on the table as he gets his credit card from behind his phone case. "Oh Phuwin, i have a question for you."
"You've been coming here for years, you're our most loyal customer and since one of our old workers had to leave because he's moving. We wanted to ask if you're interested in a job here?" Phuwin looks in shock.
"Of course, this would be my dream job!" The worker, who's name is Arak has a huge smile on his face as he heard that. "Good, see ya tomorrow at 5." I pay and go back to my car. I finally arrive home and go lay down on my bed. I close my eyes for a few minutes but then remember the picture Prija took earlier. I go save it and open insta. I make a new post tagging everyone. Not even 10 minutes later i get a DM from someone. That someone's username is ppnaravit. That sounds familiar. I open the DM.

You look cute in that picture 😉

Phuwin looks at that in confusion. He taps on his profile to look at the photos, only to realize it's Pond. He sighs and looks at his most recent photos: pictures with the football team, with his friends, with Joong, some girls and a few pictures from Prijas party. He thinks a little and then says:

You look cute in that picture 😉

You stalking me or what
And how did you get my user??

Niran gave it to me when i asked.

You're just weird and annoying

Whatever you say, love ❤️

Phuwin looks at his phone screen and then locks it. This man isn't giving up anytime soon is he? Phuwin is so going to kill Niran the second he sees him tomorrow. But something about this situation is kinda making Phuwin have butterflies in his stomach. He's never had a man try so hard to get him. But Phuwin can't give in because Pond only wants sex again. That's what all of his kinds want. His phone buzzes, another notification from Instagram.

Ppnaravit liked your post

Phuwin leves his phone on his bed as he reads that notification to get something to drink and get as far away from that man and that phone. He makes himself tea and sits on the couch to look at the amazing view of Bangkok in the dark with the city lights and cars. It's wonderful but deep down in his heart he misses home, London. He moved to England when he was only 7 years old and moved back to Thailand because of his parents divorce in the last year of middle school leaving behind most of his friends. Thank god that his childhood friendgroup hadn't chanced a bit and welcomed him back.
After the tea he made his way to his bedroom where he got fresh clothes from the closet and then went to the bathroom to shower.

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