2. A mistake or not?

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Pond's pov:

I was woken by people screaming and music being blasted. Bus rides. Especially after competitions. My team is a bunch of extremely good football players but loud and annoying people. They were playing some Kpop and screaming the lyrics. When i look to my right, i see Joong on Insta going through stories and talking to a few other members of our team. After a few seconds, he locked his phone and turns to me. "You were sleeping for over half of the bus ride. We only have 30 minutes left." He says. "God, why are people so loud right now?" I say as i yawn.
"Come on, you're an extrovert. Why so silent and moody? Did one of your regular girls block you on insta?" Joong says half, joking. I smack his shoulder. "Haha, very funny, at least the people i like actually like me back, and im not scared to ask for their phone number." I say laughing. "Now that's just mean, just because i don't play around and actually take relationships seriously, you dont have to hurt my feelings like that." Joong says, putting his hands on his cheast and acting all dramatic.
"Hey Pond, Joong, you guys coming to Prijas party tonight?" One of our teammates asks. We look at each other, and i say, "Sure, i guess." We laugh a little and talk as usual as the bus starts slowing down and turning into our uni's parking lot by the cafeteria.

We all stand up and take our bags from the overhead compartments and make our way out of the vehicle. As we leave the bus, a whole group of girls starts screaming and yelling, trying to get our attention. But my attention is on a black haird boy who is laughing with his friend by the tables at the cafeteria, drinking some yellow drink. I can't seem to take my eyes off him. Something is like gluing them to him. I was scared by Joong, putting his hand on my shoulder and looking at me. "What you looking at so intensively?" He says as he also looks in the direction. He was about to add something but then froze. He looked scared but also extremely weird. He was looking at my magic boy's friend, Dunk. They looked at us for a few seconds and then stood up and made their way to us. They were about to pass us as i decided to wink at the black haird boy. He looked at me, confused with a little hint of a blush on his cheeks, and then rushed off with his friend.

Me and Joong say our goodbyes to our teammates and coaches to go buy a drink. We walk to the cafeteria and sit down at a table. We were just sitting there until Joong broke the silence. "So what was that?"
"What was what?"
"You looking at Dunk's friend. Remember Dunk, my enemy ever since of birth? You know him friend or something?" He asks, looking for answers. "No, I don't know him, but i would love to. For some reason, i couldn't take my eyes off of him." I say. Joong sighs and looks at me. "Pond, you do know that usually, that happens if you actually like that person in a romantic way, not always sexualy."
"I don't like people in romantic ways. I only sleep with them, and that's the end of the story. Relationships aren't my thing. Their yours."
"Whatever you say." He says, taking a nother sip of his starwberry drink.
We drink in silence until i say something. "What's up with you and Dunk today?"
"What are you talking about? There's nothing."
"Oh, come on, the second we got out of the bus, you were constantly glancing at the table Dunk and his friend were sitting at. Do you like him or something?" I say with a little smirk on my face. He smacks my should. "No, i dont, i just happened to look at him."
I look at him up and down and then say, "Sure, sure. If you say so."

"For some reason, i think I'll regret this party thing." Joong says, sitting on my couch eating a granola bar. "What's there to regret? Alcohol, hot people, good music, and free food."
"Maybe you're right, maybe not." He says as he continues eating his bar. After about 20 minutes, we make our way down to my buildings garage. We both get into our own cars and start driving to the same destination. We meet up again at the entrance at Prijas house and enter. I look around a little, and there's everything a normal college party should have: loud music, drunk people, and of course lots and lots of alcohol. We make our way to the bar and get a few shots of tequila for starters. We drink and talk to our teammates for a little while. "Hey, I'll go use the bathroom real quick." Joong says, making his way to the other side of the house. The party was a little boring. I couldn't get the black haird boy out of my head. I was about to take a nother shot as i looked to my left and saw the person who had been stuck in my head for the past 8 hours now. He was alone, he's friend wasn't anywhere to be found. This is my chance. I take my shot and make my way to him. I sit next to him on a stool. "My name is Pond, i assume you're single because you're alone right now. Am i right?" I say, hoping that it was correct. He looks at me up and down and then says with an attitude. "You're the boy who winked me earlier at school, and why would i talk to you? Plus, you can't assume I'm single just by the fact that I'm sitting alone right now." I was quite shocked by that response. "Well, you would make this party 3 times more interesting if you would talk to me, and i guess deep down in my heart, i hope you're single."
He looks at me up and down again and then sighs. "You're extremely annoying. You know that, right?"
"I will be less annoying if you'll have a few drinks with me." I say with a smile on my face. We make eye contact, and then he says, "You're paying." As he calls the bartender over, who was getting paid to serve drinks at this party. "Of course." I say as a response. We drink a few drinks and talk a little. Suddenly, we hear someone scream, "THE COPS ARE HERE!" And a few seconds later, the door opens, and officers barge inside.

He looks at me, worried a little, and i take his hand, signaling him to follow me. We make the way to one of the bedrooms, and we lock the door. I struggle a little but manage to get the window unlocked. I climb out the window and put my hand up to help him jump down. We run to my car and sit there a little, catching our breath. "What the fuck was this." He says. I look at him a little and then ask. "Did you come here alone?"
"With a friend, but why are you asking?" He says a little confused. We make eye contact. "Before i do this." I say as i connect our lips. I thought that he would break the kiss after a few seconds, but he depended it.
The next second, we were walking into my condo, basically making out. I pin him agains my living room wall as i start trailing my kisses down to his neck and collarbone. He lets his neck lean back out of the feeling, and that was all i needed. I pick him up and carry him to my bedroom, still kissing each other. I make him lay down on my bed as i remove my shirt and continue leaving marks. Slowly also removing his jacket and shirt.

Sorry it has taken me so long to update. Im currently on a family trip to London. I hope yall enjoyed this!

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