16. Fuck love

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Joong's pov:

Jai loves pink, so I'm gonna buy pink wrapping paper. I pick up a cute pink one with darker pink flowers on them since she loves flowers. I go up to the cashier and pay. Once i make my way out of the store, i look around, spotting a flower shop. It's a cute light green building. I open the door and make my way inside. I look around a little.
"Can i help you with anything?" A staff member says.
"I'm looking for flowers for my girlfriend," i say. The staff member looks around a little and then asks me:
"What kind of flowers does she like?"
"She loves daisies," i say. She smiles, picking up a bouquet of daisies.
"I think this will be perfect." A huge smile appears on my face. She walks to the counter with the flowers.
"Do you want me to wrap it for you?"
"Sure," she takes a light pink paper and wraps the flowers, adding a bow. I pay, and she hands me the flowers.
"I noticed the pink wrapping paper, so i thought they should match."
"Thank you so much," i leave the shop sitting inside my car and making my way back to my condo.

I put everything on my dining table as i take off my jacket. I scroll through pinterest for inspiration and then start wrapping the necklace. That Dunk and I bought yesterday. Once I'm done, i add a pink bow and a card. Once I'm ready, i take a few photos for the memories and then quickly get in the shower. I take a hot shower and dry my hair. I put on light blue baggy jeans, a white shirt, and add jewelry. I spray some perfume on myself. I take a last look at myself in the mirror, then put on my shoes and lock the door. Once i get in the car, i get out my phone before i start driving. I text Dunk.

I'm on my way to Jai's place, giving her the gift.

Good luck!!

I put my phone in my pocket and start the car. After a 15-minute drive, i park my car in front of her house and make my way to the front door. She had given me a key to her place a few weeks ago. I knock on the door, but there's no answer. Her car is here. I knock again, but when i hear nothing, i take out the key and unlock the door. I walk inside, looking around and seeing nothing. I make my way up the stairs, and that's when I see it. Jai and some random guy having sex. I freeze and just stand there. I quickly make my way down the stairs before they notice me. I put the keys she gave me on the coffee table by the couch and walked out the door. I make my way back to the car and start driving. I don't know where to go.

I pulled up to the same club me, Dunk, Phuwin, and Pond, went to a few days ago. I make my way to the bar and order myself a drink. I finished the glass and ordered myself a new one. And before i even knew it, I had over 15 glasses in front of me. I take a nother sip as tears start rolling down my cheeks. How could she do this to me, i really loved her. I know we had been together for only a month, but still, the love felt real. She was the first ever person to love me for me and not my money and popularity, but i guess i was wrong. Maybe it was me, maybe i was the problem in this relationship. At this point, I'm not even sure if she loved me. I take a nother sip. I look at the flowers that are in front of me. I'm so confused and hurt. I take them and look around a little when i spot a young woman. I stand up and hand her the flowers. She looks at me confused.
"Merry early Christmas."

"Hey Dunk, sorry to bother you at 11pm but your friends here." Mark Says.
"Which friend? Phuwin?" Dunk asks, confused.
"No one of the guys who was with you a few days, black hair, is drinking whiskey." Dunk goes quiet.
"I'll be there in 10. Don't let him leave." Dunk quickly puts on his shoes, goes down to the lobby, and runs to his car. In a few minutes, Dunk runs inside, looking for Mark.
"Hey, he's there," Mark says, pointing towards me. Dunk says thank you and walks up to me. He sits next to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. I turn my head towards Dunk and look confused.
"Why are you here?"
"Mark called, you okay?" I stay silent.
"She cheated on me."
"Jai, she cheated on me." We both stay quiet, Dunk still processing what had happened.
"I went to her house to drop off the early Christmas gift before she left to see her parents, but there she was, having sex with some guy." Dunk looks me in the eyes, almost tearing up. He pulls me in a hug. I hug him back, putting my head in the crocet of his neck.

Dunk takes my keys from my pocket and unlocks my door. He helps me walk in and makes me sit down on the couch. He sits next to me. We just sit there in silence. It's not an awkward silence. It's a comforting one. Dunk is one of the best people I've ever met, I'm so happy he's in my life. I couldn't ask for anything more right now. Whenever i'm with Dunk, i feel different. All the thoughts and overthinking that usually go around in my head just disappear. He is a person who i can have serious conversation with, but also do the stupidest stuff ever. He is my safe space.

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