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“That won't be enough for us.” Jungkook said looking inside Taehyuns rolled up hoodie in which he was carrying a bunch of fruits.

“I have found something too.” Jieun said showing her collection.

When the sun cracked through the clouds, each one of them were assigned to do certain jobs. Taehyun and Jieun were given the job of hunting fruits from nearby.

Meanwhile Hwasa and Jungkook have been fishing since they woke up. They were at it for a while now.

“Oh my God. My neck hurts like a b*tch. It's a wonder how we all fit inside that cranky place.”

Taehyung who only woke up just now said with a heavy groan. He took the tube of toothpaste kept on a rock and squirted the amount of a pepper seed on his index finger. They have already discussed to use vital things like toothpaste and fire carefully.

“Jungkook!!!! Jungkook!!! I got one.” Hwasa jumped holding the thin material of a shirt in her hand were a fat fish laid squirming for dear life.

Everyone gathered around her looking at their breakfast or probably lunch for the day with gleaming eyes.

“Atlast something pleasing to the taste buds.”  Taehyung announced.

“How did you catch it Hwasi?”

“I hung a piece of that fruit on this string as a bait. And caught this one when it came to eat the bait.” Jieun clapped her hands being proud of her manager girl.

“You are a genius Hwasa shii.” Jungkook rolled his tongue inside his cheeks when his assistant complimented Hwasa. It's not like he wasn't  trying. He have been giving his whole in the process.

“Lets try for a few more with this technique.”

As Hwasa said, everyone decided to join her in the operation: ‘catching fish’. At the end of their joined labour, they had six fishes in a small basket.

“Mmmh~ I never thought grilled fish seasoned with salt could be this tasty.”

“Yep!! I was so hungry that I was ready to eat an elephant. I hope my daughter ate something. She won't unless I call her at least once in a day.”

Jieun whispered the last sentence with her eyes glistening with unshed tears. But she was quick to blink them to not let them out. There was no need to cry. Crying won't do anything.

“They must be searching for us. We are a bunch of stupid idiots for wanting an adventure.” Jungkook cursed under his breath.

“Atleast we got one. Let's do what we planned yesterday. After breakfast we go search for help or more specifically humans.” Everyone agreed with Taehyung. They decided to split up into two groups.

Taehyun and Jungkook walked in the other direction while the others went to the opposite direction.

Everyone should get back to the tree house before the noon. And they should never go far away from the tree house since it would be difficult to find the way back.

“Mr. Jeon I think we should follow the water. People inhabit near water sources.” Taehyun said calculatedly not to irk Jungkooks temper.

Jungkook was mind blown thinking about his assistants brain.  Who knew the smaller was this genius? But he doesn't need to know that. Gulping the genius part Jungkook muttered a bored okay to the younger.

Meanwhile Taehyung and the two girls were already fed up by walking. They all were exhausted by now. The wooden log in their holds dragging behind them lazily which was meant for their protection.

“I want to rest my butt. Or else I ain't walking a feet.” Hwasa stubbornly said taking a seat on a tree trunk which was bend over the ground.

“It feels like we have been walking for hours and all we have found so far is trees and twigs.” Jieun followed.

“You can't be whining right now my pretty ladies. Hwasa you should raise that huge bum so that we can go back.” Hwasa gave a thumps up at Taehyung for calling her bum huge. Jieun rolled her eyes beside her.

“Atleast we got a few more fruits that will last for dinner.” Jieun gently caressed the goodies she had inside her hoodie pocket.

Taehyun and Jungkook decided to rest for a while. They had a few fruits and some logs with them that can be used for fire.

“Whats with this smell. Eww.” The younger scrunched his nose and started inspecting his surroundings. He heard a buzzing sound coming from behind a bush and a strong stench of rotten meat that had his eyes teary.

Jungkook watched the smaller with equally holding his nose. They chose the wrong place to rest.

A girly scream was what echoed around the forest the next moment which alerted the trio whom were a few meters away from them.

Taehyun had his eyes in a squint looking at the rotting animal that was now covered in maggots.
Jungkook followed him and saw the most gruesome scene he ever saw before gagging.

The trio came running towards the place from where they heard the sound getting real panic. Taehyung thought something bad happened to his friends. But immediately they scrunched their nose getting the strong  stench that lingered in the air.

“What the fxck is that?”

Jieun didn't wait for the answer but she was puking all her gut out in the next moment. Hwasa aided her by rubbing her back equally trying to pinch her nose.

“I think it's a wolf looking at it's face and tail. But can a wolf be this large?” They haven't seen wolves this large before. Do they even exist? The thick matted fur of the wolf amazed them. Everybody frowned immediately. This forest was dangerous for them to be wandering around like this. There might be more animals like this lurking around their surroundings. That's  what they understood from the whole scene.

“It looks like somebody ripped it's neck. His head is partly dismantled. Whatever it is,  that's one magestic wolf. If I had my phone, I would have clicked a picture.” Taehyung said to ease the tension around the air.

“We should go back soon guys. Jieun is not well.”
Hwasa said holding Jieun up.

“Let me carry her.” Jungkook initiated.

Hwasa lit the 'lamp' that they found from this abandoned tree house. It didn't do much in illuminating the tree house but it was enough to show their faces.

“I still can't stop puking thinking about that scene.” Jieun said playing with the ends of her hoodie.

“It really gets cold here at night. Atleast that's a relief. We don't need an air-condition here. But I wish we had a blanket.”

Jungkook nodded his head at Taehyung. They all were seated in a circle inside the tree house.

“I am dreading the day I would get my period here. What will me and Jieun do?”

“We can cut up some of our towels for you. I hope we find someone worth helping before something like that happens.” 

Taehyung smiled at his friend for being thoughtful about the ladies.

“Its irritating how we have to use the same damn inner wears everyday. I will go crazy if it goes like this.”

Yet another day went like that as the friends slept curled up in the little space they had.

Jungkook was in deep thoughts that night as they all went to sleep. Every little of their concerns terrified him. How long they could stay alive without food and help?

The urge to protect his friends stopped him from getting a peaceful sleep that night. He hopes they can find a way soon.

To be continued...

This is the only update I could do now, since it's easier to write... I have back to back exams I can't it's too stressing....

Hope you all are doing well lovelies....

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