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"And cut." The director roared. Just then jungkook pulled away from the actress who was reluctant to leave his embrace. She gave him a teary smile which was merely returned by him.

His manager Namjoon pushed Jungkooks assistant Taehyun towards him. The latter took staggered steps towards the said male with a towel in his hand.

Jungkook was quick to snatch it from Taehyun and wipe his face off the wetness from his acting tears. "Bring me a mojito." Taehyun was quick to run for the mojito Jungkook always asks him after the shoot.

Jungkook took a seat on a cushion chair near Namjoon who was making calls and arranging Jungkooks schedule.

"Jungkook, you can't keep rejecting these movies. Do you know the dollars you are losing with missing all these movies?" Jungkook sat back with a grown. His muscles ached due to all the fight scene rehearsals he did yesterday.

"You know well that I don't care about those dollars."

"I know that Jungkook. But your fans keeps asking you why you are not committing any intimate movies." Jungkook chuckled simply irritating the older male.

"Now you are getting on my nerves. I don't know what happened to you in those two months you and Taehyung went missing." The corner of Jungkooks closed eyes glistened with tears. He simply blinked it before sitting more straight.

"I simply can't do those scenes right now okay. I can't. I tried but something is different. Maybe in the future."

Namjoon looked at Jungkook with a blank stare. He watched Jungkook snatching the watermelon mojito from the poor assistant before getting inside the caravan.

He simply gestured Taehyun to come near him by flicking his two fingers. "Do you want anything sir?"

"Sit here boy." With a confused look Taehyun sat near Namjoon.

"Tell me what happened inside that forest Taehyun. You were with them too. So I know that you know everything. Spill." Taehyun squirmed in his seat without knowing what to do.

"Hyung would kill me if I spill something. So please don't ask me more Namjoon hyung."

"Do you want me to tell Jungkook about your crush on his brother?"

Taehyun smiled a sheepish smile at Namjoon. "I already spilled that in a moment of weakness."

Namjoon let out a frustrated sigh. "f*cker. What was his reaction?" Taehyun actually pouted.

"He said it's alright. That was before we thought we were going to die in that forest with all those wild animals. When I asked about it after we reached here. He said don't even think about it." Namjoon laughed holding his stomach looking at a dejected Taehyun.

"Do you want me to recommend him. If you spill the tea I will help you with Beomgyu."

"He never listens to you hyung. I am pretty sure you won't succeed. On top of that Beomgyu never looked my way ever. I don't have any chance." Namjoon felt bad for bringing it up right now. Taehyun looked devastated. He knows it isn't a mere crush that the boy have for Beomgyu. It's more than that.

"Was it difficult?" Namjoon asked looking at the set infront of them. The shoot has begun again.


"To survive inside that forest. I heard that was the most dangerous forest in our province."

"Of course it was difficult. But most of the part we enjoyed staying there. I became more close to Jungkook hyung and Taehyung hyung.

"Speaking of that brat. He have been busy ever since you guys magically appeared out of nowhere. He is doing all those intimate movies Jungkook keeps rejecting."

They watched the rest of the shoot until the director called pack up for the day.

Jungkook opened the door of his penthouse with a dejected sigh. He walked towards the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He took a half emptied bottle of Scotch in his hand before gulping it down till there was only a quarter left.

A click of a door was heard in the distance indicating it was his younger brother. Beomgyu walked towards the kitchen wearing a big pink hoodie and small white shorts.

"I made dinner. Do you want me to heat it up for you?" Jungkook gave a questioning gaze to the smaller who cowered at that.

"You have been acting like the affectionate brother ever since I came back from missing for two months. What do you want? You have never even prepared me a cup of coffee in my life."

"I am just being a nice brother for you. Ungrateful idiot." Beomgyu said before turning on his heel to walk away.

"Where are you going? Heat that food. I am going for a bath." Beomgyu scoffed at his brother before rolling his eyes. He decided to heat the food before his brother comes back from his bath.
He made chicken noodles and crispy porks. Jungkooks favorite. He bet his brother would lick the plate whenever he makes that for him. For a sassy little queen, he was not those typical baby boy who never entered a kitchen. He was more like a house wife material.

He came to stay with Jungkook when he started doing college. Jungkooks place was close to Beomgyu's college.

Meanwhile Jungkook removed the bvlgari bracelet from his hand and placed it on the night stand. His eyes caught a pink book and a small note over it.

I cleaned your room. Sign this for my friend Kai. He is a big fan of you.

Beom <3

Jungkooks lips twitched into a small smile. They have a few age Gap. Beomgyu is only 19. Even though Jungkook doesn't show it, he cares about the younger. He signed the said book with the sparkling purple pen Beomgyu had kept over the book.

In the shower he was simply standing there drenched in the water. His thoughts miles away where a small beauty included. He clenched his eyes shut when a small pain constricted his chest.

"I miss you...." He uttered softly placing a hand on his heart.

To be continued...

A glimpse of Kooks life.

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