Chapter 1: Graduating.

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A/N Here is chapter one! Enjoy peeps! Pick of new Logan Reed to the side!


      The 2019 graduating class of Quantico’s FBI training threw their hats in the air, literally and figuratively. It was the day of their graduation, a beautiful afternoon in August and they were all as high as a kite, figuratively speaking. Jack Bates and Emma Richardson, formerly Williams, hugged and screamed with each other in the middle of the crowd. “We did it Emma!” Jack hollered to her friend over the din of the crowd. “We finally finished school!” They both exclaimed at once as they wrapped their arms around each other’s shoulders and walked over to where their friends and families stood waiting for them.

     Emma and Jack broke apart from each other and went over to hug their family members, and after Emma had given Chris a big kiss they met back in the center and began to hug their friends. There were lots of congratulations and jokes and well wishes, finally Jack, Emma, Morgan, Zak, and Rachel all stood together chatting. “So you sorry people are finally finished with higher education.” Zak said and Emma and Jack laughed. “Yep we sure are.” Jack said happily.

       “So Morgan, how come the plans for the wedding?” Emma asked. Ben had asked Morgan to marry him a little over four months ago, and the wedding was in 5 weeks. “Pretty good, I am super excited! You guys ready to be bridesmaids?” Morgan asked and all of the girls nodded. Rachel was Morgan’s maid of honor, and it had been only a month ago that all of the girls had stood at the front of a church watching her walk down the aisle.

      Jack was so happy that her matchup for Pete and Rachel worked out, Pete was Jack’s high school summer love, and after he was left at the altar the first time, Jack made it her personal goal to find a woman worthy of Pete, and Rachel was that girl.

      “Hey so what is this? You hug and accept congratulations from everyone else but us?” Special Agent Logan Reed said as he appeared out of the crowd, with his partner Josh Rollins on his tail.  “Logan Reed and Josh Rollins, what are you two losers doing here?” Jack asked with a smirk.  In truth Logan and Josh were anything but losers, and Jack knew it, since the Triangle Killer case the names Rollins and Reed had become synonymous with crime fighting FBI genius. “We came to see two of the loveliest ladies in the world graduate.” Reed said and Josh sneered at his remark. “Aren’t you glad to see us?” Logan asked feigning hurt.

     “Of course I am!” Jack yelled as she dropped her act and ran over throwing herself into Logan’s arms and he spun her around. “It’s good to see you Bates.” Logan said as he set her down. “You too Reed.” Jack said as she smiled at Reed and walked over to Rollins, as Emma came up to give Reed a hug. “And don’t think you’re getting out of anything.” Jack said as she hugged Rollins tightly, giving him no choice but to hug back.

    “Good job Bates, heard you and Richardson were some of the top in your classes.” Rollins said as Jack released him from the hug. “Yep! Happily we are!” Jack said cheerily as she grabbed Rollins’ hand and drug him over as she grabbed Reed’s hand as well. “Where are we going Jack?” Rollins asked as Jack reached the rest of the group. “Come on guys, want to celebrate?” Jack asked and everyone agreed.

     They all walked out to the parking lot and Logan ripped Jack’s keys from her hand. “Hey I need those!” Jack hollered as Logan ran to the Porsch and hopped in the driver’s seat. “You are not driving Logan.” Jack said firmly. “Oh yes I am because only me and Rollins know where we are going, and everyone else is in his SUV.” Logan said as Jack let out a sigh and walked over to the passenger side and got in.

      They drove for about ten minutes and finally Logan pulled up in front of a bar. “This is it?” Jack asked unimpressed. “Yep, best cop bar and dive hole restaurant in town.” Logan said as he got out of the car and they walked up to join everyone else at the door.

   “Please tell me how it is possible for you to be driving the Porsche and the SUV beats you to your destination?” Rollins asked as we came up to the group standing by the door. “Because Reed drives like a little girl.” Jack said as she smacked him playfully on the arm. “Oh you two are pathetic.” Emma said as she rolled her eyes and kissed her husband to rub it in. “You really are.” Morgan and Rachel said as they followed Emma and Chris inside. “I don’t think so, probably because I’m single.” Zak said as she walked in. Eventually everyone was seated in the bar and drinks had been ordered.

    They sat and talked and drank their drinks for about an hour and Jack got up to use the bathroom. Even though it was a cop bar, civilians still came, and they still got drunk, and as Jack was coming back from the restroom, one of the locals, who was a tad tipsy decided to mess with her.

     “Hey there gorgeous, why don’t you ditch your boyfriend and come hang out here with me.” The clearly intoxicated man said as he placed his hands on Jack’s waist. “Yea no way in hell.” Jack said as she removed the man’s hands. “Come on sweetie.” He said as he stepped in front of Jack. “One drink with me please.” “I said no, and if you don’t move out of my way I am going to have to hurt you.” Jack said as she tilted her head to look up at the giant man.

     “Oh yea what are you going to do, sister Christian?” He asked taunting Jack, as she glanced over at the table and saw Logan and Josh standing up. She wrapped her hand around the neck of his beer bottle and slowly took it off the counter. “This.” Jack said as she kneed the man in his nether regions and as he came down to his knees she kneed him in the face and broke the bottle over his head, leaving him writhing on the floor in pain.

     “Next time a girl says to leave her alone, you should do it.” Jack said as she stalked back over to her table and plopped down. She immediately received offers for high fives from everyone at the table. They all sat in peace for about five minutes, until all of a sudden a hand slammed down onto their table. “You messed with the wrong man young lady, now you better stand up and brace for your punishment.” Jack smirked as she stood up and turned around.

     This guy was even bigger than the first, Jack only came up to his chest in her sneakers. She tilted her head up to look at him. “Look buddy, your friend messed with the wrong chick, and if you don’t back down, you will be too. Because see it won’t be just me this time, my buddies Krav Maga and Juditsu are here to help.” Jack said as Josh and Logan stood up and folded their arms.

     “Yea sweetness, well I have help too.” The giant man replied as three more giant guys appeared behind him. As Jacks table took in all of the guys, the rest of Jack’s friends stood up. “Hmmm all of us, some of us professionally trained fighters, against four fat guys… yep I think were even.” Jack said as the bartender came up and told them to take it outside.

      Jack, Logan and Josh got up and backed out of the doors, with the four giant guys on practically on top of them. “Maybe we should just run?” Rollins asked as Jack shook her head. “Nah!” She said as she grabbed another beer bottle and cracked it over the giant guys head, he screamed in anger as the three of them took off running outside.

      The four men followed and came face to face with Logan and Josh. “Hey Fellas, I wouldn’t umm duck if I were you.” Logan said as the man’s face contorted with rage and he punched Logan square in the jaw. “FBI! Put your hands up! You are under arrest for assault and attempted assault of two federal agents. Josh said as Logan held his face in pain.

      “Ahh screw you pal, your just trying to get out of this.” One of the guys said. “Unfortunately fellas, he’s not.” Jack said as she brought a board down on two of the guys heads. “Touch him and it will be double assault.” Jack said as the two guys she hit lay on the ground moaning.

     “On your knees!” Rollins said as the remaining two guys gave up and dropped to the ground, as Jack ran over to help Logan. “Hey buddy you okay?” She asked as she pried Logan’s hands from his face. “No Jack not really.” Logan moaned as Jack pulled a napkin from her pocket and placed it on his nose. “Well that was certainly interesting.” Emma said as Rollins finished handcuffing guys. “No Shit Emma.” Zak mumbled grumpily and Emma rolled her eyes.

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