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It was another new day in the Town of Shadehaven, and things were looking more brighter then they ever had been , it was four days since the incident with revolta and her her rampage, and as crazy as it all was, things were starting to finally settle down, though anyone had to admit that after those events nothing would ever seem quite the same, but one thing can be said on a plus note the Ghoul girls had their names cleared with any evolvement in the attack thanks to Miss grimwood explaining things though it could still be said that a lot of people were iffy on the subject of ghouls and their Magic.

But even the Those at grimwood could not blame them, situations like this have never been seen or experienced in years so that can be an understandable,, but despite that the grimwood girls were still the ones who saved everyone from certain doom, even if not everyone saw it that way but they were sure gaining a title for themselves as the story of what they did was getting passed around town.

Too some the Grimwood girls were being seen as the hero's of shadehaven and their mishap at the park grand opening was soon forgotten, even the mayor himself once learning of the story, declared them just that, " Heroes " and was honored to have such ghouls in his town...though things can't be said the same for Mr langely who seemed to not know what to think of this...glad he's still alive and that the menacing monster had been taken care of, but he was not sure he'd want to owe his life to a bunch of ghouls, but nonetheless, kept quiet about the whole thing and has not brought up trying to ban ghouls from the town as of late...


It was early in the day, at the Ghoul school mansion, the Grimwood girls were just heading out and going to make their way into town, to once again get some supplies for the school,, they also decided they were going to stop by willbie's place for a bit, just to be getting to meet his mother properly, one of the things what they had in mind for the day.

" Albright now, you girls take care, " miss grimwood said as she stood at the doorway to see them off,

" we will miss grimwood, maybe we'll stop in town for a bite when were done, " sibella said with a smile and nod,

" just be sure to be back by dark , "Miss grimwood said,

" will do " phantasma yelled back waving...and reassuring that they would,

miss grimwood looked down at matches who was by her side, and gave a small nudge with her leg,

" say, why don't you go and join them, I'm sure you'll enjoy it, " she said with a wink,

matches then quickly grinned and rubbed his hands together before taking off to go and join the ghouls, miss grimwood just chuckled a bit as she watched them head out.

The grimwood girls began making their way out of the schoolyard and down the path they always took when heading into town, they soon passed by the calloway school, where they could see the Calloway cadets outside going through their usual training course, they stopped when they went over to greet the ghoul girls for quick moment,

" Hey, I hope you girls are going to cause any trouble now " tug said jokingly

" very funny, were just heading into town as usual, and going to our friend while we do," sibella responded, with a playful eye roll,

" oh yeah, well have you girls heard, there are some people who are considering you heros of the town like the mayore, " tug said while the others nodded in agreement,

" that a pretty big name change to make for yourselves, " grunt said with a thumbs up,

" yeah, well, you guys did help us out, which means you are guys are just as much hero's sa we are, " Elsa stated while folding her arms and nodding,

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