The Fight For Dream Holder

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wilbie yelled as he ran down the street in terror, the large beast from before was gaining quickly behind him, biting and snarling, wilbie struggled to keep himself ahead of the large beast, not wanting to get caught in it's large teeth, he looked ahead and could see the large clock tower at the end of the street, he squinted his eyes and could see That revolta was trying to climb down from it..

wilbie's eyes then widened as he yelled, the beast nearly snagged him from the behind..

" naaaH ! get away from me ! Bad monster, ! shoo ! go on get lost ! help ! " wilbie shouted as he tried to outrun the beast...

Meanwhile winnie who was still flying on the broom perked her ear up when she heard wilbie's shouts, she quickly looked back to see him running down the street being chased by the beast..

she then looked over ant notice the book on the ledge of the building...but she then heard wilbie's yells again he was being pursued, she looked down determinably at him,

" Hold on wibs I'm coming ! " she yelled as she darted the broom straight down at him.. she yelled as she approached him, trying to slow the broom down...

she flew past the monster quickly, causing it to stopped it from running for a moment as it looked around annoyed, she then quickly doubled back and flew low to the ground and right next to wilbie almost overshooting past him but making herself back up a bit,

" wilbie grab on ! " she yelled

wilbie looked up a bit confused but quickly did just that and jumped and grabbed the broom, grabbing the bottom of it with both his hands, leaving him dangling as his legs kicked in the air, winnie then started to move the broom forward starting off with a slow speed trying to make it take off again..

winnie looked back as she saw the beast fast approaching them snarling, widened her eyes she attempted to make the broom go faster. as it began to pick up more speed now, but was still low to the ground as wilbie struggled to hold on as he saw the beast gaining on them.

" winnie hate to be a bother still, but perhaps you could fly this thing a little higher !? " he said as the beast grew closer,

" Hey believe me, this is not as easy as it look ! " she said as she struggled to keep the broom straight..

wilbie looked over at the beast that was approaching, then began to look as though he was thinking, he then smiled as he quickly threw up his legs and wrapped them around the broom and hoisted himself around righting himself, until he was setting like winnie on the front,

" winine i'll try and help you fly this thing straight up, " he said

" hey, I don't appreciate front broom flyers ! " she yelled,

" well you may want to get used to it. " he said pointing ahead..

winnie looked over and saw they were fast approaching the clock tower..she let out a quick yell as she began to pull back on the broom. wilbie took action and did the same thing..

and immediately the broom skyrocketed into the air again, with both the kids screaming as it did the beast while still running watched them as they took off into the then looked down to see the clock tower wall in front front of it, it let out at steep shriek as it crashed into the building, getting it's head stuck in it, the entire force of it caused the tower to shake, resulting in revolta, losing her grip and falling off the tower.., she shrieked as she used her wand to fire a quick spell that propelled her in the direction of the building the book was on, she flailed about as she braced herself and smacked into the side of it but grabbing hold of the ledge.

she dangled there looking down, but sighed, she hoisted herself up and onto the roof of the building. She looked around and to her surprise and deligh, she spotted the Dream holder spell book sitting on the ledge of the building not to far from her,.

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