Attack of the Ghouls part 3

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Wilbie ran along the deserted streets in the downtown centre, hoping to find his friends and help them before anything else could go wrong, he looked around and notice that there was no one in sight, not even any monsters...
he rubbed he head as he continued to look around,..he notice was standing in along the Main street as he could see the clock town at the other end of the road..

" where are they ? " he said raising an eyebrow, suddenly wilbie was interrupted as felt the ground slightly shake around him, he looked down confused, as the felt it again then again and again he could also hear a loud thumping sound that seemed to be getting louder with each time the ground would shake...

wilbie began to look around trying to figure out where the source of that was coming from,
he then felt the ground shake again slightly but could hear the sound of something large approaching behind him. he turned around as his eyes widened as he could see a tall monstrous beast staring down at him with drooling fangs..

wilbie felt his body get cold as the creature growled a deep sounding growl that he could feel in his chest, the creature then let out a roar that sent him falling onto his rump...also covering him is bit's of slavia..

wilbie grinned nervously as he stumbled to his feet and began to run off flailing his arms again ..

the large beast letting out another roar chasing him as he did,

wilbie could fell the heavy stomps as the creature chased him,, wilbie looked for a place to hide, he then saw a bunch of parked cars on the side of the road and quickly dove and landed under one of them, he then looked over to see that the creature stopped running and began making it's way over to where he was hiding,

The beast placed it's large nose right in front of the car he was under, wilbie crawled back a bit as he felt the creatures hot breaths, breath in on him,
wilbie could feel sweat forming on him just before the creature stuck it's tongue under the car and began creeping it up towards him like a large snake..

wilbie winced as he felt it lick him straight across the face..wilbie then quickly smacked it away...
which alerted the creature as it then stepped back retreating it's tongue, then snarled as it gripped the car with it's massive paws and lifted it up, exposing wilbie completely ...

It then growled as it saw him and tossed the car aside.

wilbie immediately dodged it's large paw that came down and tried to swoop him up..,
he quickly made his way onto the side walk as the creature snarled at him, beginning to pursue him again,

" young boy, in here ! " wilbie then heard a voice call out to him,

wilbie looked over and to his surprise, he saw mr dodgers at his Deli standing in the doorway,

wilbie wasted know time as he quickly made his way over to he shop, wilbie looked back to see the large beast chasing behind him, smashing a few cars as t did,,

wilbie's eyes widened as he began to try and pick up more speed, the large beast only gaining more as well,

wilbe could see mr Dodgers waiting, extending his hand out for wilbie as the beast drew closer...
wilbie ran until he he finally made it over to mr dodgers shop. to which wilbie quickly jumped forward and landed inside,, to which mr Dodger quickly shut the door just as the beast was approaching...

wilbie sat there on the ground trying to catch his breath...,he the looked around noticed the shop has none of it's lights on, the only light source were a table of candles that were lit,
he then looked over to see mr Dodger checking the window through closed blinds...

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