Ghouls in Town part 1

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Later that day...

Wilbie was making his way back over to the ghoul school, he made sure to get their by 3:00 , as that's when miss grim wood said they be done with lessons, he was also very interested in heading out into town with the ghoul girls, he never did properly get to do that, and he was sure getting to see the rest of the town with them would only make it more interesting. as he thought about that eagerly walked up to the large metal gates in front of the school and stood before them for a moment. and soon the gate then started to move and open slowly for him, he smirked, not having to worry about climbing anymore walls was...

after the day's lessons were complete, the girls were then ready to head out into town for the day, as miss grimwood gave them a list of what to pick up while their, she wrote it down on a piece of paper for them to read,

" alright then my ghouls. you know what to get then, the usual stuff of course, this should be enough money to get those, " she said handing them the list and the money,. she gave it to Sibella to hold on to,

" you can count on us to get it of course. " sibella said,

" I know that, i Can always trust you girls, oh I hope you enjoy your time out,"

Tanis felt herself feeling guilty again after she heard her say that, but this time managed to hide it better.

winnie then let out a howl " well what are we standing around here for, let's get a move on then, "

soon a loud bell ring was heard from outside. which Wilbie stood on the porch in a daze as he had pressed the doorbell, not expecting the ear ringing chime, But soon after the door opened with the ghoul girls who where ready to greet Him.

" Hey there wilbie, glad you could make it, we are just about to head out, " sibella said,

Wilbie shook his head from the ringing in his ears " Hey their, well I'm ready to go, been looking forward to this all day," he said with some enthusiasm.

Winnie then came up to greet him, " oh boy wiblie, you'll love the town, I want to show you some of my favorite shops their, I know a deli were you can get nice sliced Meats, like steak and Sausages and Ham. " she said licking her lips on a savory look.

", well that will defiantly be interesting to see. " wilbie said with a smirk

" oh and their are lots of other places as well, did you know the town has it's own little museum ? " Phantasma said with a chuckle, they give free tours on special days, I've never been in there, but though you'd like to know.

" alright girls we'll have time to show him around when we get their, but first lets get their, " sibella said playful tone,,

" agreed, lets get into town then, come one gals, " Elsa said heading down the path to the gate.

soon all the other followed behind, all of them walked along, talking to on another as they did, but each of them was hoping their trip into town would go well, but no one let anything worry them, as it was a sunny day and everyone would be out enjoying it.
But how ever as they were, pysch was sleeping on a tree branch, peacefully, but was awoken when he heard the girls walking by,. He stretched his wings and fluttered into the air and watched them as they left...

As the ghouls had left the school ground they were now walking along the path that would be leading them into town, But in doing so they had to pass by The Calloway Military school, were it's cadets were seen out side as usual doing there training. The boys were in the middle of a jogging exercise running down the same path the girls were on, they were just heading back towards their school. Tug was seen on front of the group leading them on their way,

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