Secrets part 1

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so a while after wilbie had departed from the Grimwood school and has now made it back to His home, to where His mother had indeed finished unpacking like she had said, now he was in his Room organizing his things upon her wishes, when he first arrived home he was asked about how his day was by Her , who wanted to know about everything he had done and how he found the Area, he was eager to tell her right there whom he had met, but also a little, unsure how to, sense he didn't know how to explain the fact that he made some New friends, who aren't human ? so he ended up telling her they can discuss everything it at dinner to which she agreed too, sounding very eager to hear about his day.

Now as he unpacked more stuff in his room, he explained his encounter to Barbs who he knew he could tell her anything anytime, as she always tended to listened to him, without ever saying anything , so he went on about his encounter. just while she stood there, waiting to be fed.

" It was amazing girl, they were amazing, it was like, they stepped out of my horror comics, but of course, they weren't evil or aggressive, cause these were real ghouls, ghouls who like to have fun, they showed me everything at their School, it was all so creepy and delightful ! I can't wait to tell Mom soon " he said as he then stopped and thought to himself for a moment.

He thought about the school and the Ghoul girls and Just how would he explain that to his mother ? he wasn't sure how she would react to the fact that he met and hung out with ghouls all day, sure she'd find out sooner or later, but, based on the what he knew about the relationship between Ghouls and humans, he knew it wouldn't be the most easy thing to understand for some, but he also knew his mother was rather accepting person, she had been very supportive of his Interests ever sense he could recall, so it wasn't like he was too worried about her disliking them, but still, something told him, maybe it was best for him to...slowly work his way into telling her,, he also had admit, he was also excited to do so as well, after all this was basically a dream come true for him.

suddenly his train of thought was disrupted by the sound of his mother calling from the kitchen.

" Wilbie, Dinner is ready ! "

At that moment Wilbie felt his stomach growl, he finally Fed Barbra a cricket to which she eager took, and then made his way out of his room and into the dining room were he took a seat at the end of the table,, He had to admit, he was still hunger, specially sense he didn't eat what he was served for launch at the school, He shuttered at the thought, he enjoyed that place, but those girls had very strange tastes, which he suppose it something he should have seen coming. Soon his mother came into the room holding two hot steaming plates,

" I've made one of your favorites " she said Happily as she set down a plate in front of him,

WIllbie looked down onto his plate to see that she had made a dish of square sausages and baked beans, , he felt his stomach growl again as he took in the savory aroma.

His mother took a seat at other end of the table and placed her plate down, " so as you may have guessed, I found your fathers recipe Book while unpacking, I think I'm getting better at making my own versions of it."

wiblie smiled and took a bite out of his Meal ad chewed it " Hmmm yeah, I'll say so, but nothing will beat dad's Haggis., " he said as he enjoyed his meal,"

She playfully rolled her eyes. " what ever Mr food critic. just you wait, I will compete ! " she chuckled

" well if you find a way to get me some "real " Haggis from that book then we'll talk " wilbie said with a smirk.."

His mother just chuckled again shaking her head then asked " So tell me then. how was your time out today, was it as bad as you thought it was going to be ? Hoped you enjoyed the area were in " she said curious about his day.

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