History Lesson

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he next day, it was a rather quiet in the Ghoul school, a thing that does not accrue to often Within it's walls but with the the events that had happened Yesterday day, the ghouls didn't really know what to make of it or what to expect as a result, all they knew was, that it was probably best for them not to step foot back into town after a while, thinking that eventually any issue they caused or the town may now have with them, will eventually blow over and return back to normal, well normal for what they could say, but for now,, they would follow miss Grimwood's advice and keep low at the mansion , Wilbie though promised he'd come back to visit them when he could and hoped he'd be seeing the ghouls again real soon.

As it was nearing noon, it was just 11:30 and the ghouls were in the middle of one of their lessons , Miss Gimwood was going on about the all sorts of different traditions and lifestyles of from all over the world, talking deeply about how the times in the 16th century were, , How ever, winnie was having a bit of trouble keeping focused, she was too busy looking board and would rather be chewing on one of her Claws, to which Elsa sibella noticed and lightly kicked her leg motioning for her to pay attention, while that was so, Tanis was paying well attention as she was able to finally get some actual sleep, sense today, she was going to come clean about she and winnie sneaking a peek about that Dream Holder Spell Book, and while winnie was a bit less optimistic about it, she had to admit, she wanted to know what miss grimwood had to say about it, there were things that she didn't expect to find in there by such from a ghoul as Grimwood,,

" Now, as you can see, many Humans were accused of being witches, and were punished severely for being so,.but of course the act of witchcraft wasn't always a bad thing, my family for generations have used it well for good purposes, but those who done it for, much darker reason, but that bad name on it, for witches and humans who were accused of it," Miss grimwood stated, as Her magic Hand servant, which was a floating white glove, was writing her words down on the chalk board behind her,

" you see, there was this thing called the Salem witch trials in the 1600s,in which witches where hunted and executed , many believe by burning, but that is mostly false, for hanging was the proper method, it's a dark fact, but true and part of our history, "

" seems pretty bizarre that was done, I'm glad stuff like that isn't around anymore, " sibella spoke up on the subject

" Indeed, but everyone's history, has some dark elements to it, from humans to ghouls, but witch craft was something that many kept secret for those reason for years," she said a she then made her way over to a drawer that was against a wall, she then pulled something out from the drawer, and made her way over to the front of the class.

" Now I imagine you know what this is ? " she said holding up something long thin and brown, and no doubt anyone could guess what it was,

" hey, that looks like a wand, " Elsa said,

" right you are my darling, " miss grimwood said nodding, " this here is a magic wand used by many witches, in this case. by Me." she said rubbing it a bit, " I have had this wand sense was a young witch no older then the most of you, which seems like many years ago, but it's what I was given too by my Mother as a gift, one I asked for, for many years, I wanted nothing more then to learn about magic and become a great user of it, as you may know I was a student here like you, before I ever came a headmistress, " she sighed as though she was remembering some good times,

" but as you know, this wand was used for magic practice, it ha been through a lot, but it still holds a lot of magic in it, just watch," just after she said that, Miss grimwoox began swaying her wand around in the air, and at first nothing happened, but suddenly little sparks of magic began to fly out from around it,

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