Revolta's Revenge

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The ghouls and wilbie all stared up in alarm at the large monstrous form psych had now taken, the large spider bat spread it's wings and bared its sword sized razor sharp looking teeth while drool was dripping down as he did

" What kind of creature is that thing ! " wilbie said looking alarmed.

" .what are we going to do ! , " Tanis said Looking extremely worried.

" it'll be okay Tanis, lets all just stick together here, "

" yeah that spider bat may be huge,..but they still have little brains.." Elsa reassured "

Psych then let out a loud screech and began flapping his large wings and began to take off into the air..casting a large shadow down onto the ghouls from blocking the moonlight.

" It's coming towards us.." Tanis said pointing up at him

Psych dove down at the girls like a hawk ready to snatch a mouse., the girls including wilbie all took evasive action and ducked down, just at Psych swooped over them...missing them by a hair..

wilbie laid there with his flank sitting in the air and his hands covering his head, once psych had passed over he looked up over to the other girls who were staying low as well,

" what do should we do ? " he said to the other.. " I don't even know what's really going on here. "

" we'll explain it to you later wilbie..we just need to get away from this spider bat. " sibella said..

" he's doubling back ! " winnie said pointing over to psych who was attempting to swoop down at them again..

all the girls jumped out of the way as psych nearly caught some of them...psych let out another screech in annoyance as they did...
the ghouls then all scattered around looking for a hiding spot, attempting to throw him off..

winnie jumped behind a tree stump and peeked out..watching as phantasma did the same behind a large rock..sibella and tanis ducked behind a large dead tree...leaving wilbie out in the open..

" wilbe find cover ! " winnie yelled to him.

wilbie frantically looked around for a place to hide, he then notice a large shadow that seemed to be getting larger around him..

he looked back to see Psych soaring down at him with his eyes fixed right on him, baring his teeth and spider legs..

wilbie's eyes widened for a brief moment before he attempted to flee, but his foot slipped on the wet muddy ground and he fell to his back with a big splat..however this caused psych fly right over him missing him., psych looked back and hissed, but when he looked forward.. he notice he was coming a large amount of dead trees..and before he had time to react, he smacked into the lot them, causing him to tumble and flip over..getting tangled a bit in the vines..
landing nearby sibella and Tanis..

psych hissed again like a snake as he looked over to see sibella and Tanis duck down right next to him..Psych licked his chops as he attempted to snap at them, but the vines restricted him from doing so,sibella took this opportunity and grabbed ahold of Tanis and fled away...

" got any ideas ! " winnie yelled as she saw sibella running with tanis..

"! we have some time now ! " she yelled almost frantically..

winnie looked over to see psych tangled in some vines snapping away at them..
she quikly jumped onto the stump,and made her way over towards wilbie
who was now just standing up,

" come on wilbs. we gotta go ! " she said tugging at his arm..
wilbie nodded as he saw psych already starting to break free from the vines..
they soon ran off attempting to flee before he got loose,
Elsa, phantasma and matches soon joined along,

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