Chapter 17

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    I packed a bag filled with berries to eat, a warm cloth for when I get cold, a bow and arrow, and as well as a dagger. Before I left, I kissed my kids' heads telling them I'll be back soon even if it wasn't true. Cyrus kissed me and he said, "Come home safe." I smiled and waved goodbye as I set off for a journey.

    It was warm out and I observed every wonderful living thing. I heard the music of the birds and each one sang differently. I heard the rustling of the leaves of the animals who were racing. I heard the whispering wind that sent a cool soft touch to my cheek. I looked at every delicate beautiful flower that was blooming. I noticed every leaf that had fallen from the tall trees. As I breathed a warm feeling went down my throat and then to my heart.

    I walked long distances waiting to see a tall peak of a mountain. The animals of the world were kind enough to show me the way and also a ride. The creatures of the forest talked to me so I wouldn't feel lonely. When you really listen closely you notice there's a beautiful world filled with things you didn't even think about. So, I acknowledge the beauty of this world even if most people ignore these wonders.

    I heard the voices of children and laughter of elegant women. I heard chimes that sounded like dust falling and I saw this dust that had a radiating glow to it. The dust was following these small creatures that flew by my face incredibly fast. From these small creatures like insects, I heard high pitched laughing as they flew by my face. I followed them as they flew around me creating a circle of glowing dust. I ran after them hoping to catch one. I then tripped over a branch, but I laughed when I fell. I didn't realize how much fun I could have. As I was lying on the ground a small creature came close to my face and laughed as I was laying down. She came to where I could see her with my vision. She was smaller than my finger and she was glowing like the dust she had. She seemed like one of those creatures me and Cyrus saw dancing in the tree. She then flew away with the wind, and I continued my journey.

    The first nightfall came so instead of continuing I decided to find shelter and get some rest for the following day. I found a covering of rocks that seemed like someone had built. I found some sticks and bark and I started a fire to keep away the nocturnal predators. I took my warm cloth and wrapped it around my body. I laid down on the leaves and I drifted off to sleep.

    When I fell asleep, I was dreaming of the gods. I heard evil maniacal laughter and I saw blazing red eyes in the dark. I knew it was Malix the evil god. I believe he is waiting for me. I'm going to end him when I see those red eyes again.

    I woke up with the sunlight shining in my eyes. I rubbed my eyes, and I got up. I asked the animals for directions, and I started my journey. I held my dagger practicing for the moment I saw Malix. I walked off waiting to see a mountain peak.

    For weeks I walked and every night I had interactions with the gods. I talked to Razela and she gave me history of the god Malix and her. I asked her what I should do to kill him. She told me, "He is the master of trickery and mischief so the best way to successfully defeat him is to play along with his games and trick him back. How long I've been longing to seek revenge and did what he did to me."

    "Ok so I'll go along with his games then. Then what? How will I know to kill him?"

    lI'll place my holy dagger in your hands when the time comes.

    "Is he hearing our plans right now?"

    "No, he only hears the ones who seek him out."

    "Do you know if I'm seeking him?"

    "No he can't hear you, for you are not seeking him. Therefore, he can't hear us."

    "I walked long ways for about a month and then I saw the frosting mountain peak. The scenery was beautiful. It felt as if I were in a painting. There was a lake that was in front of the mountains. There was sunlight reflecting off the blue water, but the trees were shading the river as well. I walked in the itchy tall grass as butterflies fluttered around me.

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