Chapter 3

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    I was thirteen when things changed. I and Aaron rode Pearl and Shadow to the cliff overlooking the coast. We stood on the field next to an oak tree viewing the ocean. The soft breeze touched my skin as I smelt the salt from the sea. Aaron taught me how to climb the beautiful old tree. I had some trouble getting up the tree so he would put his arms around me, hold me tight, and say, "Don't look down, only look into my eyes." When we got up from the tree and watched the sunset and I laid my head against his shoulder.

    Aaron looked nervous, he was twiddling his thumbs and seemed worried. He looked at me as his voice shuddered and said, "I... I have something to tell you."

    I was curious about what he meant by this. I was puzzled and I asked him, "What would you like to tell me?"

     He weirdly said, "Close your eyes." It was strange when I closed my eyes, I felt his heavy breathing like he was nervous about something. Suddenly, he kissed me, and I could not believe it, I opened my eyes wide open. My heart was beating faster than ever, and my stomach felt like I was sick. 

    He leaned back and said, "My apologies princess but I cannot help it you are the most splendid girl I know. When your green eyes stare at me I feel like I am safe, and I do not want you to stop. As you have held my hand through the years, I realized I cannot go without hearing your voice for more than a second. For years now I have wanted to shout I love you from the top of my lungs, but I have been afraid to tell you. All I know is I need to know if you will have me this day or not."

    I was blushing like crazy; I knew it because my face was heating up like I was frying under the sun. I could not stop looking at him and I could not catch my breath.

    I nervously said, "I...I have felt the same extraordinary feelings about you too." He grinned at me with relief, and I smiled. He wrapped his arms around me, and I dug my head into his neck. His warmth was comforting to me and the words to describe it were magical. Then he leaned in as he tilted his head, and he kissed me again. It was more relaxing now, when his lips were on mine, I could tell he had passion. Our noses brushed up against each other as his hand touched my face. It was the most wonderful feeling I have ever had. I do not know what it was but when his soft lips touched mine, I did not want to stop.

    We then climbed down from the tree together. When we got to the floor our arms were wrapped around each other once again. He pushed me up against the tree and his lips pushed against mine. His soft eyes looked down on me as his breath warm breath reached my cheek and he said, "I have something else I need to tell you."

     He leaned back from me, and I was confused so I asked, "What is it?"

    He looked down and said, "I'm leaving."

    I was surprised, afraid, and confused. I did not know how to express my feelings, so I stuttered, "Y..You're leaving... forever?!"

    He chuckled and said, "No, not forever."

     I was mad at him that he said it like that, but I could not stay mad at him for a simple thing like that.

    I asked, "Can you explain please?"

    He said, "Of course."

    His words said, "My father is involved with the buccaneers as you know, and he wants me to come with him on a trip."

     I was still shocked and asked, "Why in the world are you going and leaving me?"

    He laughed and said, "It is for a worthy cause that is secret information. I promise you I will bring you something back."

    I yelled and said, "Who cares, take me with you!"

     He just looked at me and he sighed while he said, "Listen I want you to come as well but your job as princess is to stay safe, it is a very dangerous journey and no place for a someone high ranked like you."

    I started to tear up and said, "It's not fair, I love you and I want to be with you, I'll miss you too much!"

     He stared at me; I sensed sadness in his eyes. He kissed me on the cheek and said "I will miss you too, I love you so much. I promise you I will come back safe. I will leave tomorrow morning; you may see my departure if you wish."

    He looked at me and hugged me, I just wanted to stay like that, with him beside me and our arms wrapped around each other. Why couldn't it stay like that? He stopped and cleared his throat and he said, "I should take you back to the castle now." We went back on our horses to the castle together. It was awkward, we did not talk the entire time. I was afraid I made a mistake.

    The gates opened for us, and we took our horses to the stables and started to walk back. He said "Let me walk you back to your room. I want to see you go back safe." It was awkward but I agreed. We walked back to my room, I hesitated to open my door but before I walked in, he grabbed my hand and kissed me. He turned around and started to walk away. I could not help to think to myself, "It's so late he should not walk back to wherever he's going." As he was walking away, I yelled "Wait!" He turned around and looked at me. I said stupidly, "It's late would you like to stay with me for the night?" I was shocked by what came out of my mouth but even more shocked by the response he said yes.

    We walked into my room and Aaron said, "Your room is even more beautiful than I imagined." All I could do was smile. I set up a comfortable mattress for him and I laid it on the ground. When I was done setting up the mattress, I went to go in the bathroom to get ready for bed. I put on my nightgown, and I made sure I looked good in the mirror before I was done. When I walked out, I got out my stomach felt like it dropped. I saw Aaron without a shirt on.

    I just kept walking forward though. I got in my bed and asked him if he was ready for bed, and he said, "yes." I said, "Good night, I love you." He said the same thing and I turned out the lights. I fell asleep fast, and I was dreaming of us being together on the large royal ship over the blue sea.

    When I opened my eyes, I felt like I had gotten the best sleep I have ever had. When I woke up, he was beside me and I had my arms wrapped around his neck. I was confused why he was in my bed, he wanted to protect me, but I did not have time for questions. I looked at the time making sure we had enough time to get ready for his departure. I just looked at him and then kissed him on the head, and said, "Time to wake up." We got up and got ready and before I knew it, I was simply happy, especially to know that I was with him.

    We both got ready. I put on a white dress with a pink corset laced with white floral patterns. He just put on his ragged clothes but covered them with a leather jacket and his leather boots. We both left the castle, and we made it to the docks on the beach. I had never seen so many people crowding around the beach. We both said goodbye to each other. I was tearing up and so was he. He grabbed my hands, and we had our final kiss before he left. We both said, "I love you." He ran up the ramp onto the big ship with the name of Victoria. The ship left for departure, and I was crying while he was waving farewell. Lani and Shala were there to comfort me while I was filled with sadness. That was the day he left for his first journey.

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