Chapter 10

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    I woke up from my dreams that I no longer remember, and I saw Cyrus sleeping while sitting in a chair in front of me. I lifted myself to a sitting position and I looked at him observing him sleeping. I thought to myself "He's more attractive when not saying anything."

    I then placed my hand against his cheek and whispered, "Cyrus, Cyrus." He then slightly opened his eyes and he seemed shocked and frightened as he sat back in his seat. "Why did you decide to watch me sleep?" I said softly.

    "I wanted to make sure you were safe." As he said, placing his hand over his eyes.

    "Do you think Aaron knows where I am, how he can find me?"

    "No, he does not know where you are, and he will not find you. I know you just met me, and you are not sure if you can trust me or not, but I swear I will protect you with my life."

    "Why are you doing this for me? I have done nothing for you."

    "I am just going to say I failed to protect some people and I cannot live with myself if I do not protect you. You may have done nothing for me, but I do not ask for anything in return. I want to protect you, the least you can do is let me avenge you."

    "Ok I'll let you avenge me." I then placed my arms around him because I knew he was sincere. I do not know what this boy has been through. I do not know who he failed but I won't let him fail me even though I may want to end my life early. I won't do that because I know I'm the only hope to restore whatever happened to him. He placed his face in my neck as he quietly said in my ear, "Thank you."

    It was later that day Cyrus was coming out of the bathroom and I wanted to breathe fresh air. He walked out smelling like forest green. I looked at him nervously to ask what I wanted permission to do. I had a voice crack saying, "May I ask for your permission to do something?"

    "Well, you sort of have to ask me so I can decide."

    "Can I go outside?"

    "To do what?"

    "I want fresh air; I want to explore this world."

    He put his hand on his forehead rubbing against it. He then sighed and said, "Fine, you can go but I need to go with you, think of me like a bodyguard."

    When he said that I immediately thought of Aaron. I know Cyrus is nothing like him, but I can't help but see the two are similar. I just looked at him and I said, "Thank you."

    We walked up a hidden passageway of stairs and when I first walked outside the light showed my eyes. I had to close my eyes for a second but when I opened them back up, I saw a beautiful forest and heard birds chirping. Cyrus walked behind me with his hand on the end of his sword ready to pull it out. We then heard footsteps in the leaves.

    It was no one we needed to worry about. It was a mystical creature I've never seen before. It looked like a stag but more glorious. It was a standard brown color, but his antlers were made like amber. They looked like wood set on fire. His eyes were bright yellow and coming out of his mouth were horns like his antlers. The stage took steps closer to me. Cyrus was about to pull out his sword, but I told him to wait. I put my hand forward and the buck met his nose with my hand. It was wet and I could feel his cold breath. I took my other hand and put it behind his head. I then leaned forward my head to his as I closed my eyes. I looked at him and said, "Your beautiful."

    I heard his gruff voice said, "You are too my lady."

    He then walked along, and he met a female and a youngling like him. He turned around to look at me and him and the others bowed down on one knee. They then turned around and walked away. Cyrus was confused and he stared at me as I watched them walk away. He then said, "Do you know that is the most majestic honorable creature out here. They are like royals out here and you gained their honor, not only that they bowed down to you like you were royal. I've never seen that in all the time I've grown up here. Who are you?"

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