Chapter 16

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    It had been a few months, and I was about to give birth at any moment. I was stressed and worried all the time. I felt like I couldn't move, and I laid in bed all day. As I rested in bed, I felt so hot. Cyrus came to me, and he laid a wet cloth across my head to try and cool me down.

    I could tell he was scared. I survived my first child, but could I survive the second one? He held my hand and sat next to me as we waited for the moment. I closed my eyes as I was in pain.

    I then felt a sharp pain and a wet feeling. I knew it was time for the baby to come. My muscles got tight, and I started to push. I was screaming out of pain. Cyrus didn't know how he could help but he was there by my side. He looked at me with teary eyes concerned for me. I then felt my pain stop.

    Cyrus took the baby and put it in my hands. It was a girl, and she was adorable. She was very small and pale. She had a very round face and when she opened her small eyes, they were bright blue. I noticed that her hair was very dark and so were her eyebrows. She didn't have pointed ears though. I observed her and it came to me that Cyrus wasn't her father. She was Aaron's child.

    She was sweet and innocent. I had to remind myself that she wouldn't become a monster like Aaron. I would never tell her who her true father is. Me and Cyrus are her parents and we're going to raise her into a fine lady. If Aaron gets any sense that his child was born, I'm going to kill him before he can find out.

    I looked at Cyrus and I said, "What should we name her?"

    "I'm not sure. That's up to you."

    "How about Ember?"

    "Is there a meaning behind that beautiful name?"

    "She'll be a living flame for the world. She's something that's gorgeous and can be feared. She'll flourish and spark with only love to give."

    "She'll be a beauty for the whole world to see."


    I held her in my arms, and I could see a light radiating off of her. She really was my little ember. Her eyes were soft, and they reminded me of the old Aaron I used to know. Maybe she would remind me of the good times we used to have. I could never see her as a monster.

    I had a daughter and a son that were both so beautiful. I knew they were going to grow up happily together. When one is sad the other will be there for them. They'll laugh together and we'll be a family together.

    My daughter wasn't physically aging as fast as Chance. Probably because she is a full blooded Razelean. When they're older will both of them obtain the blood of the goddess? I held their little heads in my arms as we all drifted off to sleep.

    I went outside one day, and I was practicing my skills with weapons. I stood before a tall tree, and I swung my sword at it imagining the face of Aaron. I cut the tree making marks wanting blood to pour out. I then hit the tree hard enough and I heard a creaking noise as it was about to fall. I ran as fast as I could, jumping over bushes and branches. I then felt a pain in my ankle that made me fall down. I looked down at my foot and a trap had punctured my foot. It felt as if a bone had broken in my body, I did hear a large snap. I wasn't sure if my foot was truly broken or if I had snapped a branch while running.

    I tried to get up but the pain in my foot overtook me to where I couldn't even stand on my foot. I had definitely broken a bone. I looked up as I saw a large shadow coming for me. The tree was going to and right on me and I was going to die. I waited patiently for the tree to fall but then it stopped before it had reached my head. I looked towards the tree, and someone was holding the tree. I squinted my eyes and I saw a black suit and dark hair. I knew it was the man I desired to kill.

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