Chapter 1

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    It all began in a kingdom far away from Earth, this kingdom was called Razela. Razela was the goddess who created the kingdom of nature and vegetation. She had a wonderful power, a power so strong, yet she used it so wisely. She had powers over all the wild. She was one with the wilderness and every being spoke to her. She knew she made a world wonderful but there was so much she created she forgot the things she made. There were forms of life in the kingdom that she did not recall making. There is a part of the legend that is not known though, it is how she fell in love, lived a life of ruling, and had children, and they say that is how we are all in the kingdom today. That is how my kingdom began.

    Here I am, daughter of a king in an elevated position. I am useless other than my intelligent knowledge that no one seems to care about. My name is Princess Safi, short for Sarafina, and I am seventeen soon to become eighteen. I am the daughter of King Ara and Queen Rina. My father has grown gray upon his years. People of the kingdom call him wise but to me he is ruthless.

    I will never forget the way my mother was. She was noble and kind. My mother had gorgeous long curly golden blonde hair and striking blue eyes that were sky blue. I was always envious of her beauty. I wish I had her natural long blonde hair, instead, mine is naturally brunette and I have blonde highlights that are the in between the color of caramel and honey. My hair is wavy and long, but I wish it to be longer. I also always wanted my eyes to sparkle like the sky like hers, mine are dark emerald, brown. I wish they were at least always bright green like when they are in the sun.

    You might think a princess can do anything and have anything she wants, but you are incorrect. I have barely any freedom. I have been trapped in the castle ever since I was eight when my mother died. I cannot go anywhere without supervision. Everything is chosen for me. My father is overprotective, I even have my own appointed knight to protect me.

    I want to explore the world. I have been studying each animal's behavior, the life of flowers, and ancient ruins unknown to us. I believe that if we discover the life of the past we can build a future upon it, making modern technology that can help us. But everyone says the same thing to me. I get so tired of it, they always say, "You are the princess. Your job is to stay safe in the castle and watch your people's lives, ensuring the kingdom is doing well." I do not believe that though. I believe exploring the past will help our future and will help our people. I do understand why my father is afraid to lose me, just like my mother. I remember clearly how we lost her.

    When I was eight, she and I went out to the courtyard garden. Mother was wearing her olive-green satin dress with white lace in her long sleeves, and gold braids lining the patterns. She had her flower crown that was slightly more yellow than her dress.

    She picked a rose from the bush covering a stone arch and gave the rose to me. It was so beautiful, red, and delicate. The smell was so delightful. I was lost in admiring its beauty. Suddenly, one of the thorns pricked my fingers. I was drawing blood, and it was painful. Mother knelt on her knees and looked at me with her sky-blue eyes. She said, "Do not let the beauty of things deceive you. She pulled out a handkerchief from her sleeve, dipped it in the water of the fountain, and put it over my fingers. I felt as if just the touch of her skin healed me.

    Mother stood up, gently took my hand, and said, "Shall we walk back?" We started to walk and suddenly arrows were flying over our heads. We were being attacked by some secret clan that was unknown to us. Fear struck my heart. I turned to mother for protection but when I looked at her, an arrow had struck her in the heart. Blood was pouring out, but she was determined to get me to safety. She was in so much pain, yet she walked me to the guards. Mother was standing over me; more arrows struck her back. Red came from her mouth as she lost her breath. I looked into her beautiful eyes for the last time. Suddenly, her eyes rolled back, and she fell to the grass. I wanted to go to her, to know she was okay, but the guards held me back.

    That day we had the traditional Razela funeral. This was special and honorable for the queen though. It was night and the moon was shining brighter than ever. All the villagers' hearts were mourning. The warmth of the air felt as if it was comforting me. We set her body on a boat and drifted her away in the water. When the boat went over the waterfall, I looked up in the night sky and saw a new star was added to it. That day was when misery fell on my back.

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