Chapter 4

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    The moment he left I had to wait every single day for something that I was not even sure was coming back. Every day, when I could go outside, I went out to the shore to wait. When he left my father appointed two guards to watch over me. No wonder why he assigned two, they were completely useless and clumsy showoffs. They were so useless I decided to learn how to fight and how to defend myself. Every day when I was done with my studies, I went out to the training hall, sometimes the courtyard, to train to fight. I practiced with a sword, a whip, and a bow and arrow. I must admit at first, I was horrible at it, I barely even knew how to pick up a sword. After a while, I got used to it. I got many scars, but I was proud of them, and I even learned from them. At least I can say I have gained something that I can say, "I know how to fight for myself."

    I still waited for Aaron to come back for me. Every day when I was done with my training, I took Pearl and Shadow out to the fields. When I took them out, I saddled Pearl up, and me and her went to the coast. Sometimes I would climb the oak tree that I and Aaron used to climb, the one where we had our first kiss, and I watched the sunset and wait for a ship. I would even walk on the sand and put my legs in the water, again watching the sunset and waiting for a ship. I waited so long that I felt like time was slowing down and I was getting older faster. Every day has been the same for so long. Some days I was even tricked by trading ships coming in and I lost my hope eventually, yet I still was in the habit of waiting.

    While waiting I spent a lot of time with Shala. I would go swimming with her and if I were beside her, I could breathe. There is a castle at the bottom of the lake. Its appearance is large and made from rusted stone, blue crystals, and with golden roofs and railways. There is a wall with algae growing along the side of the stone. All the windows are plated with stained glass and around the windows were framed golden.

    From all around the palace you would hear music. My favorite room of the castle was the dancehall. It was huge with golden and crystal chandeliers. Inside were water jams floating from the ceiling to the floor. You would put them to your ears and music would start playing. It calmed me so much a relieved my stress of waiting.

    Sometime in the year of waiting Shala got married to Jax. It is hard to believe that she turned into a princess like me. Even though Jax is haughty she is happy around him. I could not make it to their wedding, but I heard it was wonderful. Getting away from my own problems to see her made me joyful. I only saw her a few times though; it is hard to swim underwater for a long time without a tail.

    One day I was walking along the sand like every other day. I had a white laced corset on with long mint green sleeves, also I had on a long mint green skirt on that went down to my feet. It blew in the wind as I watched the sunset. Suddenly I saw a ship in the distance. I did not think that it was his ship for a second. The ship got closer, and I saw the name Victoria. Finally, he was here after almost two years. I was crying so much. I could not wait; I ran out into the ocean and got my dress soaked. Suddenly I saw him, I saw the guy I loved on a ship coming towards me. He jumped off the ship and we were running towards each other even though the water was slowing us down. We finally met each other, and our clothes were soaked, but I did not care. He lifted me up as I wrapped my arms around his neck, and just like the dreams I had our lips touched after that long period of time waiting. I could not explain how happy I was since he came back.

    We were laughing as we were in the water. I said, "Why did it take you so long?"

    He grinned and said, "I'm sorry it took so long." He paused and looked at me with a smile on his face and he then put his hand in the pocket of his jacket and said, "Oh, I nearly forgot I brought you back something, hold out your hand." I held out my hand and it was a small bottle with a cork at the top. The bottle had a tiny message in it, but I could not get it out. I then noticed the bottle had a rusted golden chain and it had a golden charm in the form of a heart with Nordic designs on it.

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