Chapter 7

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    Today is the day of the coronation. I have been so focused on this power I have not done anything else but go to the springs and pray. I hope dearly the destruction will not happen. Please let this crown give me the power we have all been waiting for. Let this be the day my worries will end.

    It was morning and people were gathering from all over the land. There were so many people, it worried me even more that all these people were hoping for the power to appear. I was in my room lying in bed and I heard a knock. Aaron's voice said, "May I come in?"

     I said, "Yes you may."

    He came in and said, "I saw all those people out there, why are there so many people here?"

    I was confused and thought he was joking but he was not. I said, "It is my coronation today. All those people are counting on me and my power that still has not appeared. Did you forget?"

     He said, "Oh guess it just slipped my mind. Well, if you will not mind then I should get ready." He seemed worried and it was like he was panicking but kept quiet as possible. When he left my room Lani and Shala were there standing at the door.

     I said, "You may come in if you'd like."

    She came in and sat next to me on my bed. She first said, "What is his problem?" Then she said, "Never mind him, let us talk about you. Are you excited? This could be the day!"

     I looked at her and said, "I'm so worried, what if my power doesn't appear?"

     Lani hugged me and said, "Even if you don't obtain your power, I will always be there for you as a friend."

     I smiled and said, "Hopefully I will obtain it. Can you follow Aaron for me, please? I would if I could, but I must get ready for the coronation."

    She smiled and said, "Of course, he did seem suspicious."

    She left and I continued to get ready, but Shala was still there talking to me about a bunch of random stuff.

    I asked her how Jax Finn was doing.

     She said, "he's doing good, you know we're married now, right?"

     I completely forgot; I mean it makes sense they have been together for years. I apologized for missing her wedding. I mean a lot of stuff has been going on. I asked her, "So how's that going for you?"

    She said, "He is a handful, but I love him. We want to have an heir soon so hopefully that works out for us."

    She then continued and said, "So you and Aaron are going to get married in less than two weeks, that is exciting. Do you plan to have an heir?"

     I said, "Well hopefully today or us getting married will let me obtain my power but if not then that's the next plan."

    She then said, "What if your power is out of the picture, would you still want to have an heir?"

     I said, "Of course I would, I would just want some time to ourselves for a little bit."

    She then said, "You know if you really love him, you can't control if you're going to have an heir or not." I laughed and sarcastically said, "I know Shala."

    I then was still getting ready, and I put on my mother's blue dress, and I let my hair go down. I put on some heels that were blue to match the dress. I did my makeup like I usually do but I made my lips a little darker shade of pink and I put gold glitter on my eyelids. I was so nervous; this could be the day when everything of destruction will end.

    I was taking a rest before my coronation, and I heard a violent knocking on my door. Before I could say anything, about five or six guards came in with Aaron in chains and Lani beside them. I did not know what was happening, all I knew was that Aaron had done something. He was on the ground on his knees crying and saying, "I am sorry, I am so sorry! Shala was worried and looking at me confused because we both did not know what was going on.

    The guards said, "Do you want us to explain, her, or him?"

     I did not know what to say, but Aaron was clearly too emotional to explain so I said, "Let Lani explain." She seemed like she did not want to say anything to me, but she knew she had to.

    Lani spoke and said, "I followed Aaron down to the docks and he was with some man that looked like a pirate, and it was his father. They were having a conversation that I could not hear so I moved closer behind some bushes. I then heard their shocking conversation. Aaron said, 'Today is the coronation and the plan is in action.' The father said, 'So, when you two get married next week, you will take the throne as prince and get all the wealth.' Aaron said, 'First I must have an heir with her before I can become king, but after that yes.' Aaron then continued and said, 'When we get married and if she gets her power, we shall have an heir and I will rule the entire kingdom. I will start a new generation and our child will learn to be powerful under my rule.' His father then said, 'That is the plan.' I was so shocked I heard all of this. I did not know what to do. So, I called the guards and put him and his father under arrest for treason."

    I do not know what to say. Aaron has been taking advantage of me this entire time. He has committed treason and betrayal against the entire kingdom. I can no longer love him, but why do I still have feelings he has done? I just need time to get over him I suppose. I then looked at Aaron in chains. I for some reason have sympathy for him. His eyes filled with tears got to me making me want to give him another chance, but I have no authority to do that, this is under the king's order.

    I then asked the guards, "May I have a private moment with him?" The guards then left him tied up to the pillar. I sat on my bed and just stared at him I did not know what to say. He looked miserable as if he did not want to do what he did. He then tried to stop crying and said, "I was forced to do this, I never wanted to harm you."

    I said, "You already did. Tell me, did you even love me?"

     He said, "Of course I did. This was the plan from when I was a child. I was supposed to kill you after the marriage. Yet I fooled around and fell in love. I love you very much."

     I said, "that is why it hurts so much because I love you. Yet I cannot be with someone who has been a threat to the kingdom. My chances are over with you."

     His crying was so painful I could not bear another moment. I could not hide my pain anymore. I just broke down and started crying. I looked at him, both of us filled with tears. I put my hand through his hair and kissed him for the very last time. I then called the guards, and they took him, and they carried him down to the dungeon. My coronation was not canceled though. I still had to be crowned that day. So, I went to the throne room and stood beside my father. There were so many people watching, and they did not know the event that took place before. Father then said, "We gather here today to see the princess be crowned to represent she shall take place to be the queen soon. So, I take this crown and once it is placed on my daughter's head, we will have a crowned princess ruling the kingdom." So, he put the crown on my head, and I did not feel the power coming through. I did not gain my power that day and I do not know if I will ever gain my power now since there is no Aaron in my life.

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