--- CHAPTER 26: The Oracle

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It takes them a week to find you again.

After a tip from an unknown caller, Sam rushes with Ponk towards the Devil's Bridge, where you're said to be hiding. Hiding from what, neither of them can tell, but Ponk's been specifically worried about your mental state, since you've never been the most stable one in his eyes. The entire time, he's been assuring Sam that you're probably just feeling guilty about the whole situation between Wilbur and Sally. However, he is aware of the cursed being that's been appearing on your paintings more and more, the few times recently that you actually have been coming to Therman. Coming closer, and closer, and closer, with more details each time.

He's concerned. After having heard less than a week from you, the call about your possible location was rather comforting, but that odd feeling about all of this is still feeling him hesitant. Not necessarily because of you, but rather because of the reactions some of the others have seemingly been showing. Wilbur's handling it relatively well, albeit still much differently than what Ponk would come to expect from him. The man has still kept DeMeter going, not allowing anyone in your personal little chamber, which you only recently received the allowance to work in.

Fundy, on the other hand, has been freaking out. Ponk, having seen him yesterday, noticed the spots of bloodied fur on the top of his head, and the scratches easily found on it. Both Sam and Ponk, as an officer and a doctor, knew it to be the result of the fox' stress, bringing him to scratch open the skin with his own claws. However, Fundy said he simply fell, nothing else.

Dream's behaviour has been even weirder, however, considering the metal that replaces the human skin, and the artificial organs to imitate the human biology, replacing a human heart. He's been more forgetful, less attentive. Messier, according to Tommy, and quieter. No snarky remarks, no boasting his knowledge, nothing.

But Sam too has been acting suspicious, in Ponk's eyes, for someone who isn't friends with you. In some cases, the behaviours of the already mentioned three can explained by forms of stress, considering they shared a house with you. However, this is not the case with Sam, is it? Why is he so concerned? So focused on finding you, someone who he sought out to make miserable, just for taking small things out of shops, and whatnot?

Ponk hasn't said anything about it. He can't. He too is worried to death, and Sam isn't aware of the companionship between the two of you, and he has to try and maintain his partner's ignorance.

The couple arrives, starting to look for any sign of you, preferably alive. Only when they descend towards the waters, they catch a glimpse of a figure, lying in the grass, near the water. A tent is set up, burnt wood next to the fire, and, as Ponk comes closer, he sees blood.

Panic embraces him as Ponk quickens his steps, going towards the person lying in the tent. Sam follows him, looking out at the waters instead, either distracted or expecting you to be swimming there, but once he sees Ponk's apparent shock, he too notices the body with no movement, with their legs out.

And once they can see who it is, your mutilated, wretched face become visible. A faint smile is painted on it, blisters and wounds decorating the flesh, blood on your clothes, but with no sign of an injury. You're lying there peacefully, breathing, if not barely, and Ponk falls to his knees to examine your health, while Sam seemingly stands behind him.

Your illness has visibly gotten worse, with the rash reaching your stomach already, and you don't seem to react to Ponk's careful touch, even if it is simply limited to lifting one limb to make sure there's no uncleaned and unhealed wound that could be dangerous. Only when he starts saying your name, you respond, even if it's slowly, and drowsy. "Ponk? What are you doing here?" you manage to get out, stuttering over the words, and still not pronouncing them correctly after trying again, as if you can't feel your own mouth anymore, making the wrong forms to say the letters.

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