- CHAPTER 7: Jinx

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Sooner or later, Quackity was here, along with Bad and Sam to discuss something with Wilbur and Sally. As soon as they came in, you could feel Sam's eyes burn in the back of your head while you were playing Tetris on your phone. Honestly, even now, as they are having a conversation at the table in the living room, you childishly feel his attention on you. Almost as if he's waiting for you to slip up again.

Although you did suggest to Dream that you'd just go to your room, he insisted on you staying here, while he simply watches you trying to pass time. Honestly, you don't even understand why he's doing so to begin with. Usually, he just nods and in time you can go to bed without any problem. It's the same routine. No difference. You'll go upstairs, take a shower, brush your teeth, do something in your room (such as gaming or reading), and then you take some sleep medicine Wilbur managed to score for you and go to sleep, until waking up in the middle of the night.

After all, the longer you stay asleep, the more tired you get, and thusly – as you've come to notice – the more your imagination becomes impossible to tell from reality. You'll get these voices in your head, sometimes recognizable, other times apparent strangers. Their words are off-putting too. It's almost as though they're commenting on what you do and say and hear and see. You're not sure what to think of it.

However, the auditory hallucinations aren't the worst by far when you're exhausted. The images are so much worse. From human to demons. Light anomalies to shadows. Every time you see one, you almost feel as though you're back in the Deserts, talking to Ghostbur in a nauseating room. Even if you've forgotten a lot, you will always remember the grey walls, which would make anybody feel sick, really.

Something that sucks as well, is that you forgot the recipe for the medicines you used to take in your previous universe. On multiple occasions have you tried to remake them in one way or another, in the lab here at the house. Not once did you succeed though. Sure, you managed to make some crystal meth and other psychedelic substances, but those aren't going to actively ease your symptoms.

Now that you're forced to stay downstairs, though, you don't exactly feel comfortable. Dream and Fundy are still sitting on the couch. The television is on, but the sound is off and you sometimes glance at it through the corner of your eye. You have no idea what it is he's watching – or rather, what he turned on to distract the fox and you – but you take no interest in it. From the few glances of it you caught, it's not something you'd feel safe watching. After all, you can't lie and act as though images that resemble the portal room in any way don't freak you out a little bit.

At first, you were totally open to watching it. But as soon as the story of the main character started looking awfully like yours, you couldn't bear it anymore, and had to calm yourself down.

"Okay, so I was thinking," Wilbur's voice sounds in the background as he, just as always, seems to be leading the conversation. Unsurprisingly, he seems to be the best to do so. While Sally and Bad came up with most of the ideas, mostly getting overly excited because of this, Sam and Quackity were the ones to criticize those all. At least, that's what you think normally goes down as well.

Letting out a tired sigh, shaky and shallow, you catch the android's attention as he turns to you, tilting his head slightly. "Y/N? Are you feeling okay?" Despite asking the question, you don't feel as though he would actually let you go if you insinuated that you needed to go to your bedroom now.

His voice is loud enough apparently for Sam to hear it, as, through the reflection of your phone which has fallen asleep thanks to your inactivity. As Sam answers a question of one of his colleagues, absently-minded, he seemingly squeezes his eyes slightly at you, judging you in silence.

Dream notices.

"You know that there's nothing for you to worry about? I promise you, nothing will happen." His words aren't exactly comforting, no matter how hard he's trying. All it does, is underline the irrationality of your anxiety.

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