- CHAPTER 1: King George III

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You're staring into the soup, allowing the spoon to go in circles through the liquid. Still wearing your pyjamas, you're wondering what you will do today. Watch a documentary? Re-binge the Shrek movies? Try to learn how to play some new, exotic instrument? Honestly, you have no idea, but you do know that you'll probably be able to do none of that, considering Sally's plans to take you to the DeMeter building today.

"I think it's a foolish idea to take an ill vagabond with us, Sal," Wilbur argues, not showing any sympathy whatsoever while arguing with his wife, just as every day. The dining room, with deceitful photos hanging on the walls, only has the Soot family inside with the android Dream standing by the side, watching in silence like some kind of a slave. "They're only going to unnecessarily spread their germs. Besides, they've got nothing to see there." Wilbur and Sally sit across of each other, and so do you and Fundy. The both of you are in complete silence while the married couple bickers, and not in the way that would be considered healthy either.

"What if they do, though? They've already shown to be highly intelligent, so I'm sure they could contribute a lot if we just gave them a chance!" They're talking as if you're not right there. You know that you've been living jobless in their house, without paying anything, but that doesn't mean you're planning to contribute anything, let alone work. Being President of the City for almost two years was already tiring enough. If it were up to you, you'd just return to your old ways. If anything, you'd have started living in your old house again, if that hadn't been destroyed here too.

"I'm not going to offer them a job," Wilbur scoffs, drinking some of the breakfast before grabbing some bread as well. "They have no experience, have nothing to offer now, other than acting like a child and expecting us to take care of them, they're ill and will most likely only bring unwanted havoc to the company, and most importantly: they have nothing other than what we give them."

He wasn't entirely wrong. You most definitely are ill and would undoubtedly bring chaos to work with you, but you do wish sometimes that they actually know what you'd been through, instead of minimizing it to what you've told them. The lie that you shared with them, was that you'd been living in the Deserts after dropping out of high school for the sake of science, which is where you got into contact with the disease. Of course, it's a lie, but it's close enough to truth for you to be able to tell the truth and blame it to be a delusion.

"They have nothing to offer if you don't give them a chance, Wil!" Sally shouts, evidently growing annoyed with his hatred and constant belittling of you, although you don't necessarily mind. Of course, you don't like it, but you're just grateful it's not anything else. The first time befriending him led to absolute agony, after all, so you really don't see a reason to see him as a companion again. However, Sally doesn't know this, and likely wants the both of you to get along and stop messing with one another.

"They can always help me with customer calls," Fundy suggests, hoping to prevent the situation from worsening too much, but he receives a glare from both his adoptive parents.

"Y/N is not going to answer any phone," Wilbur immediately explains with much hostility, mostly speaking while looking at you. "Before you know it, they're speaking Latin and chasing them away." As much as answering the phone with a different language was once a joke, you can't fully blame him for expecting it to become a habit.

"They deserve to see the entirety of the building and I really don't want them to be bothered by difficult clients, Fundy. You've been doing this as long as you've been working for the company, so you can handle it, but Y/N? I don't think they can." You strongly disliked the way that Sally would talk about you from time to time, admittedly. The way she'd treat you like a toddler, while you were actually older than her.

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