- CHAPTER 3: Hypnos

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"You're having fun now, aren't you, Y/N?"

You recognize the place in which you're standing, the faceless people standing in the same place as they did the first time that you were here. Music is playing softly, the melody hitting snares that you didn't know could even be hit, but the words don't seem to be processed in your mind. The voice who just spoke to you, seemingly came from everywhere, and despite the sound being so familiar, you have no idea where you've heard it before.

Some of the shadowy creatures are dancing. Others are standing by the side, drinking out of their glasses, in which some odd oily substance can be found. Those who are dancing are pulling you in, taking your hand and forcing you to move with the song. None of those who are present, are paying any attention to the blood on the walls. None of those who are present, are bothered by the terrible smell that seems to have replaced the oxygen in the room. None of those who are present, notice anything off about the place at all. Are they even aware they don't have faces?

But you just go with it. As if it happens every day, you just go along with the dancing, with the partying, with the event as a whole. There's no true awareness to your actions. No questions that appear in your mind: it's just empty. An echo-y chamber, choosing to ignore all the warning signs that something is wrong. Those warning signs are all in your head, after all. This is all in your head.

Eventually, a familiar person takes your hand, though. His face is hidden behind a black void, you believe, and he's wearing a familiar suit. His hand is cold and smooth, his invisible eyes shining in the smoke around his head. He dances with you as if there's no tomorrow. He tightens his grip on you, not wanting to ever let you go. You can feel his eyes burning away your skin, his silent words leading you towards an existential crisis.

The person with whom you're dancing, starts speaking in numbers. Random numbers, you believe they are, and the numbers never stop. It would be foolish to believe that your dance partner, in any way, is naming these numbers for no reason, but you're too confused to think of any reason yourself.

You'd like to feel a bit more relieved about the whole situation. Some clarity, to ease the anxiety that's running through your veins. Nothing is worse than this uncertainty, dancing with the Devil but not knowing his real face, as the music forces you to keep on dancing.

However, at some point in the song, once you've surrendered to the magical force of the musical notes, your dance partner pulls you close, and you find yourself in his own darkness. He pulls you into the storm clouds that float around his face, infecting you with his own monstrosity. Nothing could've prepared you for his words, though, which immediately tell you with whom it is that you're dancing.

"You know, Y/N, you make me feel so human. I don't understand how you do it."

His hand goes through your hair, carefully, as if you can break in his arms. You freeze in place upon the realization, chills going down your spine as you're trying to move away from him, protect yourself in any way possible, but his hands seem to be glued onto yours. You can't leave.

You're wondering if there's any way to get out to begin with. With your heart beating against your ribs, your breathing starts growing irregular and uncontrollable. After every move, your dance partner pulls you closer, but you do anything to get further away from him, even if you're unable to let go of him. A high pitch in your ear leads you to total panic. Your dance partner holds you above the ground, and now finally having gained some sort of power over your own limbs, you kick him. You have no idea where you do so, but you know that it's so surprising that he drops you, causing you to fall on the ground.

And as soon as your body touches the floor, the entire room darkens, all the strangers disappearing. There is no light anywhere; only your phone screen is giving off glow, as it's lying on your bed. The lime green colour is hurting your eyes in a way you never know it could, but the blood on the screen is the true source of disturb. You walk back, feeling anxiety creep up. You put your hand in your hair, a bit of it lying in the palm of your head, and you can feel yourself getting more lightheaded.

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