- CHAPTER 9: Pirate Captain

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You had very little say in the matter, as both Fundy and Niki had cheered in excitement when Wilbur proposed the idea of taking you out to some stores to buy some new stuff. He didn't even specifically say a 'bathing suit', or anything, he just kept it vague, forcing you to take the initiative.

The two of you have been taking you from store to store, happily showing you new products to buy. Though, most of the enthusiasm comes from Fundy: Niki is mostly watching in silence, analysing and observing, likely under the impression neither you nor Fundy knows of her little secret. It's an understandable assumption, to be honest. You're just a homeless weirdo with an illness; why would you know the identity of the Syndicate members, right?

You've visited the store that Tina and Callahan have, which is, unfortunately, not a karaoke bar like it used to be, and Hannah's flower shop, where Fundy bought some plants, which he refused to show either of you. He says it's meant to be a surprise, so you didn't want to push either. Niki did, but instead of an answer, she received a growl and Fundy showing his teeth, very persistent on keeping it a secret.

All three of you had secrets, and you didn't care. Maybe it's reckless. Maybe it's respectful. Maybe you just don't want to know, because you're scared of the cruelties both may be hiding for you. You know the darkness locked away, after all, so who's to say they didn't do that same?

The last store you are walking towards, is where Niki and Fundy are going to buy you some clothes. While they're talking with bright smiles on their faces, hiding the things they've bought from the eyes of their friends, you've already seen what each found when the others weren't looking.

Fundy bought some bloodred roses with thorns, along with a card and envelope with a light pink colour. Next to that, he had bought some small machine, of which you had no idea what it was.

Meanwhile, Niki's objects are a lot more fear-inducing. A dagger, seemingly with some inscription in the blade which you couldn't see when you glanced over, and a book with medieval torture methods. At least, that's what you assumed it to be, since it was very similar to the book you used to have back in the Deserts, when Schlatt introduced you to all of those, stating that it was important for the President to be able to endure terrible situations, and also be capable of escaping. He also just found them to be interesting, and as much as you hate to admit it, you too were fascinated by the concept of torment. Honestly, still are.

You think both have noticed your glanced, but they haven't dared to say a word about it. Maybe they're scared for confrontation, not wanting to risk that you don't actually know. Maybe they assume you'll just forget.

"We're here!" Niki cheerfully says, leading you and the fox into the store. A bored – but familiar – cashier is sitting at a desk, boredly groaning as he sees new customers come in.

"Well, hello there," he sighs, "welcome to What The Fuck, Did I Seriously Misspell The Name Of My Store? Why The Hell Are You Still Writing? You Didn't Even Write Down The Name, also known as WTFDISMTNOMSWTHAYSWYDEWDTN, or 'The Everything Store', if you're too lazy and hate legal things. My name is Boomer. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"I think I threatened to kill you once," you blatantly comment, and he simply raises his eyebrow, while Fundy and Niki simply look at you with shock.

"Y/N, you can't just say that kind of stuff," Niki whispers while Fundy starts apologizing, but Boomer simply laughs.

"Don't worry, they're not the first to say so," he answers, before standing up, clapping his hands. "Anyway, how can I help you? What are you looking for?" Wasn't Boomer the owner of some cheap store too? Does he just live in both worlds? Honestly, you can't blame him for it either. He has to make his money somehow.

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