--- CHAPTER 24: Brutus

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Immediately, the scent of blood burns away your nostrils.

When you open your eye, lying on your back on an oddly wobbly ground, you pull yourself up, head hurting and feeling as dizzy as ever. Your fingers feel weird, as though they're becoming a part of the grey world around you, where you alone seem to have colour, until you look at the limb you lost long ago, now replaced by a normal arm, with a dark red colour painting it in its entirety.

A humming can be heard as you look around you, finding yourself in a long tunnel with the same, dark grey... things growing on the walls, leading towards one that's bigger. Unsure of what else there is for you to do, and feeling forced by gravity to go towards the centre. Like a comet to a planet, you approach, a lot of voices whispering to you, yet them all being inaudible. But you recognize the voices. They belong to people you know: from friends to enemies. You hear the comforting voice of the woman you loved, with the vindictive version of it, that being the Sally you know here. And then, there's the drunken Schlatt, sounding the exact same, yet speaking absolute gibberish. You hear Dream and Wilbur, but also Tubbo and Tommy. It's like the voices decide randomly who they want to be, only feeding your confusion with ease.

The closer you come, the louder they get.

Eventually, you find yourself in a large, familiar room, but where Crimson would've stood, now is a broken, shattered, yet still standing crystal. You see your own, tortured body in the reflection of the Crystal, startling to death by the figure that you now see standing behind you. Turning around, you fall and trip, catching yourself with your hands, the pain shooting into your unstable wrists.

You pant, staring up at the grinning figure, carrying a white, purring cat in his arms. Moriarty looks back at you with compassion, a much different sight, when compared to the obsessive look of the demon. He lets Moriarty go, who disappears out of your sight that moment right away, as you watch the demon in front of you, in a familiar red suit, come closer, squatting down in front of you.

"There you are. The Mad President." The rough skin of a pitch black hand finds itself on your cheek, the touch immediately leading to an aggressive response of yours, reminding you of your real identity. You spit in his face as you grab his wrist tightly, snarling.

"Don't fucking touch me," you hiss through your gritted teeth, but the smile never leaves his eyes. Instead, he smiles.

"Did you have to betray me like that, Y/N? We could've ruled the world. Ruled the Deserts. Ruled everything. You didn't have to break my trust. I knew you to be an unreliable ally, but I expected you to be capable of love." His words bring you back to a memory that feels so unreal now, looking back at it. A nightmare, it certainly was. A nightmare, it still is. "Do you still hate me, Y/N? Hate me, for doing what I thought best?"

"I don't want to see you," you just respond, your voice shivering as he put his other hand on your cheek, almost as though he's desperate for your touch. It's disgusting, and putting you off. Your breath hitches the moment his fingers stroke your face, and you end up crawling back more from him, slapping his hand away.

He scoffs, standing up as he looks with hurt and anger in his eyes down at you. "What do you think you're doing, Y/N? Do you really think you can just run away from all of this? You may have destroyed the train, but you'll never erase the tracks." He takes another step forward, hunching his back slightly, bringing his face closer to yours. For a moment, you swear you can hear him growl like a wild animal, as he prepares himself to – what you can only assume – attack you. Instinctively, breaking down mentally, you squeeze your eyes shut, before an odd found follows instead, and something falls right next to you.

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