-- CHAPTER 15: Narcissus

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By Fae!


George and Wilbur are both standing there, looking at you and Dream with a raised eyebrow. While George has some food to eat, Wilbur only carries a drink as he's shooting daggers at the android, who still has a tight grip on you. And although the grip doesn't tighten anymore, it keeps on hurting, constantly. And, as you turn to look at Dream's reaction to Wilbur's words, you see as he turns his head slowly towards him, the green lights lighting up slightly.

"We were just about to dance, Wilbur," he coldly states, his voice sending shivers down your spine. You can't tell what it is about the tone: it's just so bone-chilling. But it's truly not as terrifying as when he looks at you again, hoping for confirmation, you think, until he starts straight-up lying. "They told me some rather concerning things, so I assumed it would be best to offer them some distraction."

"Concerning things? What the hell is he talking about?" The clear voice of the President speaks, as you can feel their cold hands on your shoulders, their disgusting breath in your ear.

Your anxiety rises even more, thanks to all the things happening, as Dream continues on explaining, answering the President's question. "They mentioned drinking a lot of alcohol and dying of it. It may have been a joke, but I don't see any mentally healthy people joking about dying of alcohol poisoning like they did, so I am doing as you would've told me too, and I'm making sure they can't even have the option." Immediately, you feel watched. You can sense their judgmental eyes on you, raising their eyebrows and ridiculing your immaturity, despite the fact that he's straight up lying to them.

"No, what?!" you squeak, immediately starting to protest yourself, saying that he's speaking absolute nonsense, and they can ask Jared if they want confirmation. "I swear, I just wanted to refill my water!" Neither of the two are reacting to your words, though George soon enough decides to respond.

"Don't worry about it, Y/N," he says, coming a bit closer, to stand almost next to you. "Dream's a weirdo." Not knowing how to respond, you just stare at him, causing him to stare back. And having made eye contact and kept it for so long – as you feel the sense of the shoulder Dream's holding decline, slowly growing numb – George seemingly dares to shoot a question that you did not prepare yourself for. "Now that I'm here, though, and uh, talking to you in a public space, may I ask what happened to your eye? I've been wondering this ever since we met."

At first, you blink at him a few times, trying to process his words. "Funny story," you end up saying, too impatient to properly think out the words. You're nervous. Or at least, that's what George interprets your shivering voice as, while that's just a mere result of your tiredness and your illness, in your eyes. That's not what he thinks is the cause, though. "I stabbed it out myself," you continue proudly, the pride being more of a coping mechanism than an honest representation of your feelings.

"Oh, fuck," George mouths, but Wilbur doesn't look surprised. Did he already guess, or have you maybe told him about it before? Doesn't matter, because as soon as that leaves the man's mouth, you realize you may have just messed up badly. By admitting to this, you only reinforce Dream's earlier explanation.

"Just kidding!" you laugh, wanting to think of several things that would make everything you say seem like a joke now. "My cat ate it while I slept," is the second declaration, which only confuses George more as Wilbur merely raises his eyebrow. Some more nonsensical explanations leave your lips, each word bringing home more nerves.

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