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"Where is Tsuda?" she asked without breaking her stride. After being informed of his whereabouts, she reached the door to his office. She banged the door open with a force that made Tsuda highly concerned about her. He stood up, "What's wrong?" Instead of replying to him, she pointed her glock at him, pulling the trigger without loosing a second to blink.

The bullet penetrated his shoulder, causing him to thud back into his seat. The guy beside him, probably his right hand man jumped on her instantly. He pinned her down to the ground, after unarming her.

"Let me go you piece of shits! I'll kill this bastard before taking my last breath." Tsuda stood up, holding his arm. "No one is dying here. Let her go." She was released in a second.

"What is this about?" He walked to her trying to hold her wrist but she pulled back. "What is this about? You f*cker! For how long were you planning to play with me? You lying sc*m! You murderer! You must be laughing all this time, while making a fool of me." Realization dawned on his face because of her words. Avery didn't know what she was waiting for, an excuse, another lie or an apology. Whatever it was, it never came.

"Tie her up and put her in my car. I'll be back after talking to my father." She was soon bound and was being dragged out to his car. She cursed and screamed causing every family member to form a group around them. His mother was among them. She was holding a hand to her lips, with concern dripping from her face.

"Your son is a murderer! He killed my mother! He killed a Father. He took my family away from me. May he rot in hell, but only once I'm done with him." His mother was shocked, indicating that she didn't know anything. Unlike Tsuda who barely blinked, knowing very well what he has done.

Tsuda rushed out along side his father. His mother reached them trying to inquire about her. But Tsuda only hugged her and bowed to his father. He took her by the arm then and pulled her into the car. Locking it securely.

"May you be cursed along with every single one of your family! May you all rot in hell with so much pain and die again and again." She cursed. "They have nothing to do with this." She spit on him. "F*ck you." she tried to free her hands from the rope but failed. Too bad for him, her legs were not bound. She twisted back and kicked his wounded shoulder with all her might.

Tsuda grunted in pain but rather than getting away, he jumped on her pulling her feet up on his lap, holding them together. "Apologies, young master." The driver, who was previously tasked with tying me up, apologized to Tsuda for forgetting to tie her legs. He didn't reply, keeping silent for a long while.

When she regained her strength to struggle again, she jerked forward. Trying to hit him with her forehead but he stopped her. "I wish I didn't have to do this." He took out a syringe from a compartment inside the door and injected it into her neck. Making her body go limp and her world turned black with in seconds.

She woke up with a jolt and panicked. Her surroundings were dark only a window allowed the moon light to filter into the room, though it was barred with grills. "Am a prisoner now?" She asked, when she felt motion in a seat on the far end of the room.

"This is my farm house. It depends on you, what this place becomes for you." His cold voice made shivers run down her spine. She has never faced this side of him. He always made sure to conceal it, locked behind a thousand faces.

"You are a horrible monster. Changing colors as you wish. Keeping fake faces for your enemies. Playing with them however you like.." She was interrupted by him. "I did nothing fake with you. Never once." She scoffed at it, holding back her urge to cry and wail out loud.

"And I swear, I never played with you. My intentions towards you were always pure." She laughed out loud at that. He stood up with a grim face, when she won't stop laughing. He reached out his hand to touch her face but she slapped it away.

Mean Looking SweetheartWhere stories live. Discover now