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Salvatore's POV.

We fought until every last intruder was dead. The woman had minor injuries but she almost got choked before I arrived. I shot the guy before he could register my presence. She was shocked at my assistance but couldn't be more thankful. Even though I got no words of gratitude, I still got something priceless in return. Ava's life story from beginning till now.

She sat with her back supported by the wall, taking deep breaths moments after killing the last man standing. I sat some distance away from her. Tying something over my cut. Then suddenly she asked, "Have you ever been betrayed?" I looked ahead of myself and just nodded without turning towards her. More than once. I thought to myself. I was trying to make sense of where this conversation was going.

"So have Avalyn." My head jerked to her direction at the mention of Ava. "Who betrayed her? Let me guess her father? Or other people who bought her?" She shook her head and sat with her arm resting on her knee, of the leg that was bent while the other was stretched out.

"Me." She said with no emotions. "What?!" I shouted out, unable to suppress my shock at the confession. I never expected that she could betray Ava. "Does she know?" I asked, she had gained my full attention now. She nodded and continued. "I was one of Arnold's men." I could not believe it. "You lie. You have kept Arnold Abramov away from his daughter just as you did me." She nodded with some sort of irritation.

"I used to be. Not after..." I was too eager to know. "Not after What?" She clenched her jaw and warned. "Let me speak." I nodded and she continued again. "I was told to keep an eye on her. So I used to roam outside her school. I was told to never make contact with her. Just watch her." A ghost of a smile formed on her lips. "But she was full of love. For even someone like me who didn't deserve it. One day, I saved her from a dog that was chasing after her. After that she would always come to me on her lunch breaks. Always sharing whatever she had. Always trying to talk to me. Thank me. Befriend me." Her eyes darkened then.

"I did not know Abramov's shady businesses back then. I didn't know he was making deals to sell her. Though I didn't let that happen until you. She's innocent as the day she was born." The revelation about her purity stung in my chest.

A regret formed over how I accused her of selling her body, while she stood there pure in front of me. "Her father used me and our friendship to get benefit from Ava and I used her kindness, friendship and her love to get my pay cheque from Abramov." Her eyes hardened as she looked blankly at the wall in front of her.

"One day her father told me to drop her off somewhere. With the pretence of having a friend's gathering or something. I did as I was told and left her there. Where her buyer was waiting. I could hear her screaming for help. Then everything cleared up to me, what Abramov had done till now." My blood was boiling with in my veins.

"Who was the guy?" I gritted out but she shook her head and told me, "Killed him." I did not feel as good as I would have if I killed him myself. But still, alright. "But we barely got out of there. There was fire, glass and bullets everywhere." She coughed as she stood up and limped somewhere inside the house and brought a camera and handed it over to me, before sitting back down.

"She forgave me with in minutes of knowing my betrayal. She told me 'You wouldn't have saved me if it was all fake between us.' How kind she is. Too much love to give." Her voice almost choked and I nodded agreeing with her.

"I had enough dirt on Abramov that he couldn't do anything I stood against. I quit my job there but I stayed with Ava. Protecting her, while she gave me her trust again. It didn't take too long." She clenched her fists. "Abramov used to punish her. When he was angry he would make her stand bare feet on nails or glass. She was never loved. Never. Her mother died in a car accident when Ava was barely 2 years old. She does not remember her of course. She was not treasured or spoiled as you accused." I looked down at me palm. Ashamed of myself.

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