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"Yes, they're on us again." He informed his father as he slid the car, left and right on the road. "If they cross our territory from under the bridge, kill them." The words of his father shocked her. Killing someone for just chasing them was such a cruel thing, even to her.

A bridge overhead their road came in her sight, from afar. "Tsuda..." she tried to persuade him not to do it. But he handing her a glock, from somewhere under his seat. "Distract them. Try to stop them. If you can, they will live. But if they put themselves, even a meter into our territory I will have to kill them." He must have realized her discomfort in killing them.

She crawled onto the back seats and pointed the gun at their tier. Bang! She missed and his the road. She tried again and again, but Tsuda was swirling the car from side to side on the road, from left to right. Making it hard for her to aim. When there was only one bullet left in the chamber she aimed at the shoulder of the driver. Anything to make them stop. She pulled the trigger making a hit on his shoulder.

The car behind them skitted uncontrollably for a while but the guy on passenger seat gained the control, following them still. She looked up and saw the bridge over them. No! She looked back at Tsuda ready to beg to not do such injustice but before she could do it the car halted with a screech. "No. Tsuda!" She tried to grab onto him but he was out before she could do much.

Several bangs were heard as Avery flinched. She held her head down, closing her eyes as she heard the car banging into the concrete. Walking out of the car she saw Tsuda tucking the gun back into his waist. She leaned inside the car and noticed all of them were dead with bullet holes, way before they crashed.

She turned back to Tsuda not giving him a glance walked towards him and past him without a single word. "The car isn't that way." She didn't loose her speed at his words. "Avery this is our way! They knew it." She played deaf to his words as she waved to call a cab.

"What are you doing? Get back here!" She hailed the cab successfully and climbed into it. "I'll see you at dinner." He called from behind as the cab took her away. She skipped the dinner that night calling in sick. His mother came to her to enquire her health but surely she realized what was happening, because she didn't offer her medicine or never visited again. Avery was thankful for her giving her the space she needed.

She laid in the sheets, seeing their dead bodies all over again. 'All that just for chasing us?' She thought as she made a decision in that moment. Tucking the end of her scarf into the coat she walked out, into the night. The men at the door didn't stop or question her. They just bowed to her as she walked past them. Atleast they didn't make her feel like a prisoner here. She was thankful for that, but she had to do what needed to be done.

Walking into the police station, she asked for an English speaker. Then she proceeded to file a report against the very man acting as her protector. They rang to someone and said some stuff in japanese. They were very cooperative until she told the name of the offender. "Hamasaki Tsuda." They all but froze, asking for conformation and everything changed after it was repeated.

In a moment she was bound to her chair in handcuffs with Tsuda walking into the room with two men behind him. His eyes were hard, when he entered the room, as all the men in uniform bowed to him. She looked up at him in shock. Once his eyes laid over her bound hands he growled, "Release her." She was released that instant.

"Let's go." She was led by him with a palm spread on her back. Once they were secure in the back seats of his car, they started heading towards the mansion. "Don't you think it was disrespectful?" He said while looking infront of him, face a grim picture.

"You killed them for just chasing us!" At her raised voice she gained his eyes, which held anger for the first time, intended towards her. "Just? Why would they just chase us? Were we playing tag or something? Open your eyes for once Avery! They were after us to kill us." She looked ahead not wanting to be proven wrong or feel guilty. Which she was starting to feel as the true nature of their situation dawned on them.

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